Courtney Wilkerson American Revolution

  • Boston

    Thomas Gage ordered Lieutenant- Colonel Francis Smith to lead troops to Concord because thet recieved word that supplies were being collected for an upsrising
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord ( American Win)

    Battle of Lexington and Concord ( American Win)
    As they pass through Lexington, they were attacked by a small militia. The British out numbered them. The militia was forced to retreat. As the British passed over a bridge outside of Concord, the Massachusetts militia did heavy damage to the troops. Known as "The shot heard 'round the world"
  • Battle of Bunker Hill (British Win)

    Battle of Bunker Hill (British Win)
    Gage orederd an assault on Bunker and nearby Breeds Hill. Both attackswere fought back by American fire. The battle was close: out of 2000 more than 1000 killed or wounded.
  • Capture of Montreal (American Win)

    Capture of Montreal (American Win)
    In September 1775, an American force, under the command of General Richard Montgomery, marched to New York from Fort Ticonderoga. In early November they reached Montreal. It fell with almost no resistance.
  • Assault on Quebec (British Win)

    Assault on Quebec (British Win)
    General Benedict Arnold's force arrived in November with only 600 of his original 1100 men and almost no supplies. He oredred an attack on the city even though it seemed impossible (like this timeline!).
    Montgomery arrived early December with 300 men and MUCH NEEDED SUPPLIES. They imediatly started to plan a new attack which began on Demeber 31. A snow storm blew up rendering the American Musketts useless. Montgomery Dead, Arnold wounded, and half of the American soldiers captured.
  • British Fleet arrives in New York

    British Fleet arrives in New York
    A massive invasion force appeared off the coast of New York, try to capture it then move up to General Burgoyne's troops heading south from Canada.
  • Battle of Long Island (British Win)

    Battle of Long Island (British Win)
    General How sent 20000 troops to Brooklyn. George Washington sent about 10000 troops to slow them down. He was also expecting an attack on Manhatten. Putnam lost 300 men and 1400 captured or missing. British were under 400.
  • Battle of Trenton (American Win)

    Battle of Trenton (American Win)
    On Christmas Day, George Washington and his men crossed the Deleware. They attacked and suprised the Hessians. The fight was over at 9:30am. Almost 1000 dead or captured.
  • Battle of Princeton (American Win)

    Battle of Princeton (American Win)
    December 30 George Wahsington set out again on the Deleware. WHen he met a small British Force. 500 Killed. He managed to send them away in a few days and gained 800 troops
  • Battle of Ticonderoga (British Win)

    Battle of Ticonderoga (British Win)
    Americans awoke to the British already setting up their artillery on the heights of Sugar Loaf. General St. Clair ordered evacuation in the night. The British took the fort with no resistance.
  • Siege of Fort Stanwix (American Win)

    Siege of Fort Stanwix  (American Win)
    General Benidict Arnold was trying to put together a new force but he only got 100 men, so he sent agents to spread a rumor. That rumor was that he was on his way with a large army. St. Leger fell for it and lifted the siege then headed back to canada.
  • Battle of Brandywine (British Win)

    Battle of Brandywine (British Win)
    George Washington set up defense. Howe, however, instead of a direct attack he sent 5000 to George Washington and the rest to the right flank of the Continental Army. 1000 Americans killed or wounded, 400 Captured, but only 600 British killed.
  • Battle of Saratoga (1st Battle No Winnner 2nd Battle American Win)

    Battle of Saratoga (1st Battle No Winnner 2nd Battle American Win)
    There were 2 battles that were 3 weeks apart. Benedict Arnold held off an attack on Freeman's Farm. At Bemis Heights, not only was the British assault repulsed, but followed up by an American attack that drove the army away from the field. October 17, he laid down his army.
  • Battle on Monmouth (American Win)

    Battle on Monmouth (American Win)
    General Henry Clinton evacuated the city back to Bew York. George Washington attacked on the way near monmouth. It was so hot many men had heatstrokes.
  • Capture of Savannah

    Capture of Savannah
    The southern Campaign began when when a British force (lead by Archibald Campbell) landed and quickly over welmed the cities deffenders.
  • Siege of Charleston (British Win)

    Siege of Charleston  (British Win)
    General Clinton sent 8000 men from New York City to attack, joined by British Regulars and loyalists. They had a total of about 14000 men. After 3 months of heavy combat, the city gave. (biggest American loss)
  • Battle of Camden (British Win)

    Battle of Camden (British Win)
    Most savage battle there was. The Continental Congress tried to put together an army under Horatio Gates. Cornwallis moved away from Charleston and was joined by Tarleton. 2400 men met Gates army of 3000 outside of Camden. Even though Gates out numbered them, they were untrained militia men, no match for trained British. He fled with many deaths.
  • Battle of Kings Mt. (American Win)

    Battle of Kings Mt.   (American Win)
    At dawn 900 rebel frontiersman crept up surrounding on all sides. Loyalists surrendered. Less than 100 deaths on the rebels.
  • Battle of Cowpens (American Win)

    Battle of Cowpens (American Win)
    Morgan gathered forces in Cowpens and weere attacked by Tarelton. Rebels surrounded. 160 of the Tarleton's men dead, wouned, or captured.
  • Battle of the Guilford Courthouse (British Win)

    Battle of the Guilford Courthouse (British Win)
    Cornwallis, with fewer than 2000 men, attacked. British out numbered but they had training.Cornwallis lost nearly 600 men
  • Battle of Eutaw Springs (British Win)

    Battle of Eutaw Springs (British Win)
    Green advanced upon British, but thrown back with heavy losses
  • Siege of Yorktown (American Win)

    George Washington recieved word that a French fleet was heading toward Chesapeake Bay. He forgot his plan for New York to go to Virginia. 17000 men . Cornwallis was trapped when George arrived October 17. Corn opened negotion with George. 2 days later he surrendered