
WWII: Early Beginnings (Timeline) (Done by Jordan 10B)

  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Through July and October of 1940, the RAF (Royal Air Force) fought hard with the German Luftwaffe in order to defend Britain's airspace from imminent invasion. Should their airspace be dominated by the Luftwaffe would mean an almost certain takeover with occupied France's fleet near the English Channel assisting. Fortunately, the British were able to stand tall, overcoming the Luftwaffe and their future plans while also extending the war for the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.
  • Fall of France (June)

    Fall of France (June)
    By early June 1940, most nearby nations near France were either occupied by the Germans or were severely crippled due to their overwhelming force. The French Army themselves had lost 30 of their divisions but were closely guarding the Weygand line as it bordered their capital, Paris. Eventually, once the German's bypassed and took hold of the capital and claimed France, the public took it into their own hands, establishing resistance movements which would be the spark that would prolong in WWII.
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    Fall of France

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    Battle of Britain

  • Siege of Tobruk

    Siege of Tobruk
    During April and August of 1941, Allied soldiers were besieged by German-Italian forces in Tobruk, Libya. Tobruk's harbour, providing a prosperous port for naval ships and cover from squalls, had gazing eyes from both sides as it provided an advantage in invading North Africa and Egypt as well as strategic supply routes for troops and personnel. With determination and courage, however, the Allies successfully pushed back the forces, cementing control of the eastern-Mediterranean coasts.
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    Siege of Tobruk

  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Naval ships and fleets that docked near Pearl Harbour, were soon met with an untimely fate following the devastating bombings on December 7th, 1941 by the Japanese Empire. With intentions to invade the Pacific and to rid of the US' naval power in the area, Japan made a surprise attack in order to send forces to occupy nearby lands. This unfortunate event, however, would send a superpower in the works, massively shifting the balance of war by joining the Allies with overwhelming support.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    In the Pacific, conflict between the United States and the Japanese Empire were at an all-time high after the attack on Pearl Harbour. Japan, determined to wipe out remnants of the U.S, shifted their focus on the airbases in the Midway Islands. Their 'covert' plans, however, was foiled and the U.S took notice by fortifying and prepping. In the end, the U.S seized the day by destroying the carriers and aircraft with limited casualties, showcasing their might of defending the Pacific.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Known as one of the most deadliest conflicts within the war, the Battle of Stalingrad was Nazi Germany's attempt at taking over one of the Russia's major industrial cities in order to supply their conquest for Russia's humongous landscape. Despite having lesser troops than the Wehrmacht's, Russia devised a plan that halted and withdrew German forces from the country. This bloodshed crippled both sides forces but untimely effected the German's more, creating a pathway for their perpetual defeat.
  • The Kokoda Track Campaign

    The Kokoda Track Campaign
    During 1942, between the months of July and November, ANZAC troops (Australian New Zealand Army) along with American soldiers trekked through the harsh terrain of Papua New Guinea in order to prevent Japan from establishing a base of operations at Port Morrisby, which threatened Australia. Soldiers with little to no experience were susceptible to the elements and needed to travel kilometers of terrain to ward off Japanese attackers. Tales of bravery, however, were exchanged between the troops.
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    Battle of Midway

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    Kokoda Track Campaign

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    Battle of Stalingrad

  • Operation Overlord/D-Day

    Operation Overlord/D-Day
    Through June 6th until August 30th, 1944, Operation Overlord was enacted, becoming one of the biggest military assaults in history after many months of planning. Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, which was effectively called D-Day, in an attempt to reclaim the beaches and countrysides near France, in order to take back the capital of Paris. Thousands of troops were wounded and killed but the attack was a major drive for the Allies victory and the eventual downfall of Nazi Germany.
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    Operation Overlord/D-Day