
ED 602 Introduction

  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I graduated salutatorian in May 2005. During my high school years, I was a cheerleader and also very involved in our broadcast program. I competed in both editing and anchoring competitions at the state level. During my senior year, I produced and edited our senior video yearbook. I believe that these early experiences with audio and video editing contributed to my passion for instructional technology.
  • Began University of Montevallo

    Began University of Montevallo
    I started college at the University of Montevallo in the fall of 2005 and declared a major in mass communication. I also joined Phi Mu. Since both of my parents worked at the Univesity of Montevallo, I always knew that I would attend UM. My time there was amazing and I could not have asked for a better collegiate experience! It was during my sophomore year that I realized that I wanted to become a high school teacher and therefore switched majors from mass communication to social science.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    In 2007 my family traveled to Hawaii and stayed two weeks with family friends. The best part of the trip was definitely experiencing Pearl Harbor! This trip sealed my love for travel and also confirmed my decision to teach history. I was able to return to Hawaii four years later and returned to Pearl Harbor.
  • UM Graduation

    UM Graduation
    In May 2009, I graduated from the University of Montevallo with a B.S. in social science. I was very pleased with my decision to switch from mass communication to social science. I did, however, continue to do some video editing on the side, such as wedding videography. I had my first class meeting for the 5th year program the night of graduation!
  • M.Ed Graduation

    M.Ed Graduation
    During my last semester of undergrad, I was hired to be the hall director of Brooke Residence Hall. While working on my M.Ed., I lived in the apartment in Brooke, oversaw a staff of five and supervised the 200+ females in the building, I completed my student teaching at Oak Mountain Middle School in 6th grade U.S. History and graduated in May of 2010.
  • First Job

    First Job
    In the summer of 2010 I returned to Hawaii for vacation and it was while I was there that I received a phone call with an offer to join the faculty of MHS! I was hired to teach 9th grade world history and agreed to coach the Varsity cheerleaders the following year. I coached cheerleading for 3 years and I'm now in my 6th year teaching 9th grade at MHS! Although I wanted to teach U.S. History, I now love my content!
  • First Home

    First Home
    I moved back to my parents house when my time as hall director was over. I decided to live there most of my first year teaching in order to save money. It definitely paid off and I bought my first house (all by myself!) in April 2011. My friends even threw me a housewarming party!
  • First ISTE Conference

    First ISTE Conference
    I was fortunate to be part of a technology grant during my first year teaching. In addition to receiving classroom technology and on-going professional development, the 9th grade team went to ISTE that summer with the SCS technology department!
  • Alaska Adventure

    Alaska Adventure
    In May of 2013, I stepped out of my comfort zone. I flew to Alaska (by myself but met up with friends there) and among other things, hiked and ice climbed a glacier! I am afraid of heights and typically not very adventurous, so this was a huge trip for me!
  • Owens-Young Technology Innovation Award

    Owens-Young Technology Innovation Award
    In April of 2014 I was chosen as the Shelby County Schools Owens-Young Technology Innovation Award recipient for high school teachers. As the recipient of this award, I attended AETC and ISTE for the second time with the SCS technology department!
  • Technology Coordinator

    Technology Coordinator
    In May of 2014 I assumed the role of school technology coordinator. Although I am still a classroom teacher, I conduct technology professional development for the faculty and work closely with the county technology department. This position confirmed my desire to work in technology full-time in the future.
    *No worries - those Chromebook boxes are empty!