
Country Expert Assignment: Political Organization of Space

By kdang
  • Nov 18, 1238

    Thailand Independence!

    Thailand Independence!
    In 1238 a Tai chieftain named Sri Intraditya, declared independence from Khmer overlordsand estabilisheda kingdom which came to be known now as Thailand.
  • Thailand Border Background

    Thailand Border Background
    Thailand was able to keep the borders of its prorupted stae due to it being between the birtish and French influences.
  • Thailand current form of gov't. and also Conflicts of Thailand

    Thailand current form of gov't. and also Conflicts of Thailand
    Thailand is currently a constitutional monarchy ever since the REVOLUTION OF 1932 when Thai's fought and demanded the absolut monarchy be made into a constitutional monarchy.
  • Japan Political conflicts.

    Japan Political conflicts.
    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and which rose many political conflicts with the world. Some include alliances and also Japanese-Americans were posed as threats.
  • Thailand Supranational Organization

    Thailand Supranational Organization
    Thailand joined the UN gaining its content stae and friendly stature.
  • Japanese form of Gov't

    Japanese form of Gov't
    Japan's current form of gov't is a constitutional monarchy and the emperors role is defined by the May 3 ,1947 constitution.
  • Japan colonial influences.

    Japan colonial influences.
    Japan was never colonized but did sign a treaty involving colonial influences and imperialism with the San Francisco Peace treaty with the United States.
  • Japan supranational organization.

    Japan supranational organization.
    Japan joined the UN on Jan.12 1956.
  • Thialand Border dispute.

    Thialand Border dispute.
    Thailand sent troopps to conquer a temple on the so called border between Cambodia and Thailand, it was over a 153km temple.
  • Japan territorial dispute.

    Japan territorial dispute.
    Japan's most recent territorial dispute is over the Ryuku islands between Japan and China. China announced ADIZ which basically stated that all aircraft entering near the coast of China by the East China Sea must notify Chine before entering the airspace.
  • Thailand was never colonized...

    Please look it up and correct me i was looking for a long time and could find nothing.
  • Japan Borders Background

    Japan Borders Background
    593AD prince shotoku is made head of Japan and claims borders within main island, while introducing Shintoism and adopting the Chinese alphabet