James Lind
- Born October 4, 1716 -Died: July 13, 1794 -Area of Contribution Dietetics Discovered citrus prevent scurvy.
Eli Weaver
Born November 9, 1841
Died July 21, 1909
- developed vocational education career clustering. -
Ellen Richards
-Born December 3, 1842
-Died March 30, 1911
-Area of contribution: Dietetics
-pioneer of home economics
-Tested water for contamination.
-promoted nutritional education
-understanding of chemistry cooking -
James Cattell
-Born August 31, 2001
-Died January 20, 1944
-Area of contribution: Counseling
-Established psychology as science
-researched to legitimize psychology. -
Anna Y. Reed
-Born November 9, 1841
-Died July 21, 1909
School leaving children - careers
school failure - juvenile crime -
E.G Williamson
-Williamson was born on August 14, 1900
-Williamson died on January 30, 1979
-Area of Contribution: Counseling
- first vocational counseling theories.
-Trait and factor theory
-basis for career cluster -
Carl Pfeiffer
-Born March 19, 1908
-Died November 18, 1988
-Area of contribution: Counseling
-natural substances for medication -
Doris Calloway
-Born February 14, 1923
-Died August 31, 2001
- Area of Contribution: Dietetics
-radiation - thiamin in food
-Refined ideas - nutritional requirements