Period: to
Civil War
Invention of the Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney and was patented on March 14th, 1794. The amount of cotton that was produced before the cotton gin improved greatly after it was invented. It gave the slaves more cotton to pick and it gave the masters more cotton to sell. Eli Whitney never made a profit from this invention. As soon as he patented his invention there were imitatations of his invention. His patent couldn't be upheld in court until 1807. Eli had a business partner named Phineas -
Invention of the Cotton Gin (Cont.)
Miller. They went all thourghout the south installing the gins. This is how they made a lot of money due to the fee they would charge. About forty percent of their profits was paid in cotton itself. -
The Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was created when there was a dispute on whether Missouri should be a slave state or a free state. If they becamse one or the other it would shift the power in congress. It was important that the power stayed even. If it didn't one group could take the power making another group mad. James Tallmadge proposed an amendment stating that slavery be outlawed in Missouri. With much help from Henry Clay, the Missouri Compormise was proposed. It stated that Missouri becomes a -
The Missouri Compromise (Cont.)
slave state and Maine becomes a free state. It also stated that anything south of the 36 30 line would be a slave state and anything north of it would be a free state. -
Underground Railroad
The Underground railroad helped many slaves escape. Harriett Tubman was one of the leaders. An estimate is that more than 100,000 gained freedom. Some moved north. Some moved to mexico. If they were caught they were moved back. Harriett made multiple trips to and back. She was a real inspiration. -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was propossed by David Wilmot. He did not want slavery to expand into Mexico. The north agreed with him to a certain extent. Northerners, including Wilmot, felt that the goverenment was ruled by southern minds. They were infuriated with President Polk. The Wilmot Proviso was never passed as a law. It passed through the House many times, but never through the Senate. When the Mexican-American war was over the issue had still not been decided. -
Compromise of 1850
The main point of the Compromise of 1850 was to keep the Union together. There were many points that needed to be covered. Texas had a land dispute, Washington D.C. allowed slavery, and another conflict that need to be settled was should California become a free state or slave state. It was decided that Texas would give back some of it's territory, but would be given 10 million dollars. Also the Slave Trade in D.C. was abolished but slavery was still allowed and California would be admitted -
The Compromise of 1850 (Cont.)
as a free state. Another thing passed in the Compromise of 1850 was the Fugitive Slave Act. This stated that federal marshalls that did not arrest a possible runaway slave could be fined up to one thousand dollars. Any blacks that were considered suspects could not have a trial nor be a witness. It also stated anybody helping a runaway slaved could be fined up to one thousand dollars and could have up to six months imprisonment. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by Harriet Beacher Stowe. It told a story about a slave named Uncle Tom. It called for the U.S. to show everbody that we actually do have equality. Stowe was a huge abolitionist. The book was a bestseller. In the south the book was banned. There were many times when groups got together to burn the books. This book had a big influence on the 13th amendment. -
Caning of Charles Sumner
Preston S. Brooks was infuriated at Charles Sumner. When he charged Butler with a crime against Kansas he just couldn't stand him. One day Sumer was looking at copies of the speech (1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act). Congress is not in session. Brooks starts beating Sumner over the head with a cane. Two house members came to Sumner's rescue. He lost conciousness. It was a while before he could work again. It signled the end of an era of compromise. -
Dred Scott Decision
Chief Justice Roger Taney gave the official Dred Scott decision. It stated that slaves are not citizens and therefore have no rights. It also said that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. According to the decision, congress didn't have the right to chose where slavery is outlawed at. This decision outraged many people. They thought if you were once free you should always be free. They weren't gonna stop until it was fixed. This decision was overturned by the 13 and 14 amendment. -
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Lincoln and Douglas had many debates. They had debates to see who would win the senate seat between the two of them. That had 7 debates in total. They were all throughout Illinois. Douglas believed in popular soverignty. Lincoln was unknown at the beggining of the debates. Douglas won the seat. -
Raid on Harper's Ferry Virginia
John Brown set out with the intention of raiding Harper's Ferry. He was accompied by 21 men, 5 of which were black. He invitied Harriett Tubman, but she was sick. They captured aresenals in the city. The took hostages. Their wish that slaves would help did not come true. They engaged in gureilla warfare. Brown eventually surrendered. -
The Election of 1860 (Cont.)
electoral votes. Lincoln recieved many of his votes from the north. -
The Election of 1860
Leading up to the election of 1860, everybody knew the main point of focus would the slavery. Some of the nominees were for it and some were against. The 4 nominees that ran during this election were Abraham Lincoln, Steven Douglas, John C. Breckinridge, and John Bell. Abraham Lincoln won. When deciding who to nominate for the election, the democrats couldn't decide and they broke off into two seperate groups. Lincoln recieved about 40 percent of the popular votes. Among this was 180 -
Formation of the Confederate States of America
The Confederate States of America were made up of the eleven seceded states from the U.S. This included South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, and Tennessee. The first president was Jefferson Davis. The drated a constituion that was very similiar to that of the United States. There were however some notable chagnes. The changes were that executive could only do one six year term, a presidential item veto, cabinent -
Formation of the Confederate States of America (Cont.)
officials in congressional debates, and a prohibition of protective tarriffs. They had a unicameral legislature. Alexander Stevens was Vice President. -
Fort Sumter
This battle took place in Charleston County. There were a total of 580 troops. It lasted two days. There were no casulites of the war except for one Union artilelrist ant three others when a cannon exploded prematurely during the salute of evacuation. Brigader Genearl Beauregard ordered the surrender of Fort Sumter. When Anderson decided no, the Confederate opened fire. Anderson qucikly surrendered. This was the first meeting of the troops of the Civil War. -
The First Battle of Bull Run (Cont.)
be won as easily as they had originally hoped. -
The First Battle of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run was the first battle of the Civil War that was fought head to head. It was fought near Manassas Junction, Virginia. It was a battle between the Union Army and the Confederate Army. The Union wanted to attack the Confederate by a River named Bull Run. The Union had 35,000 troops, whereas the Confederate had only 20,000. The Unioin retreated towards Washington D.C. This of course meant the Confederacy won the battle. This showed the north that the war wouldn't -
Battle of Shiloh
The Battle of Shiloh was fought in Hardin County. The Union had 65,058 troops and the Confederate had 44,968 troops. Among these troops there was a total of 23,746 casulties. Grant wanted to capture the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. If they did, then it would cut off the only east to west railroad the Confederacy had. The Confederacy wanted to surprise the Union Army, since they heard they were coming. By the end of the first day Grant and his troops had repulsed the last Confederate -
Battle of Shiloh (Cont.)
charge. During the second day the Confederate leader, General Johnston, was killed by a stray bullet. The Union won this battle, but it brought the fact, that the war wouldn't end quickly, to both sides attention. -
Battle of Antietam (Cont.)
Antietam was no different. A total of six generals died during this Battle, each side having three. After the battle was won by the Union, President Lincoln issued the proclamation. -
Battle of Antietam
The Battle Antietam was the bloodiest one day battle in the history of the United States. This battle led to President Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. Some people called the battle the Maryland Campaign of 1862. After the battle was over the Union had 12,400 casulties and the Confederacy had 10,320 casulties. This includes a total of about 3,650 that were killed during the battle. More than 2/3 people that were wounded during the war were killed by disease and the Battle of -
Emancipation Proclamation (Cont.)
and forever free." The proclamtion only set the slaves in the states not under union control free. All the border states were allowed to keep there slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation also did two more very imporatant things. It allowed black soliders to fight for the Union and it said slavery was a direct cause of the war. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln proposed the Emancipation Proclamation in September of 1862. It stated that unless the Confederate states came back into the Union by January 1st, then all of the slaves in those states would be set free. Not a single confederate state took the offer and January 1st it went into effect. The proclamation read, "all persons held as slaves within any States, or designated part of the State, the people whereof shall be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, -
Battle of Gettysburg (Cont.)
Robert E. Lee and his troops started to retreat on July 4th after the battle. The South realized that there chances of winning the war after losing this battle were close to zero. The battle led to President Lincoln delivering the Emancipation Proclamation. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg was fought between July 1st-3rd of 1863. The confederacy, led by Robert E. Lee, had about 75,000 troops and the Union had roughly 97,000. The Battle of Gettysburg took place in Gettysburg Virginia. Gettysburg had the most casulties out of any battle of the Civil War. This Battle was the turning point of the war, as it showed the fact that the North could beat the South. Also made Great Britain decide not to confirm the Confederacy as it's own country. -
Siege at Vicksburg
It took the Union from May 19th until July 4th to take control of Vicksburg. This was an important victory for them. It gave them control of the Mississippi. It also divded the confederacy into two halves. It took Grant 4 attempts to siege Vicksburg. He broke off from his main forces and was able to capture it. During the battles fodo was scarce. They ate anything. On July 4th Pembeton surrendered. -
Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg address was the direct result of the Battle of Gettysburg. The address was one of the shortest in American history, but yet one of the most inspirational. Lincoln was making Gettysburg a cementary for the war. The day the address was given, Lincoln was not the primary speaker. Edward Everett talked for two hours introducing Lincoln. As expected the democrats didn't like his speech, but the Republicans did. The speech was only 240 words. Lincoln talked for only two minutes. -
Siege of Richmond
One of the main parts of the Andaconda plan was to capture Richmond. Considering the fact that it was the Confederacy's captiol it was vital the Union take it. Without the capital the Confederacy would go down easy. There were many battles during the siege. One of the most famous was the Battle of Petersburg. This was a four day battle where each side kept increasing the number of troops they had. It took many days to capture Richmond. There's no doubt this help win the war. -
The Election of 1864
The Election of 1864 was also a close election. Many feared Lincoln would lose his reelection. All presidents since Andrew Jackson had only served one term. Many people expected McClellan would win. Lincoln ended up winning the election. He won with 212 electoral votes when McClellan only had 21. Sherman's seige of Atlanta helped him win. This gave him the power to end slavery. -
Sherman's "March to the Sea"
Sherman's March to the Sea started on November 15 and continued through December 22nd. After he captured Atlanta, Sherman wanted to march towards Savannah. During the march Sherman's troops had to fend for their selves when it came to food. Sherman and his troops took many different paths towards Savannah. He arrived outside of Savannah on December 10th. When telling Hardee to surrender, he escaped with his comand over the Savannah River. The march took out many resources for the South. -
Sherman's "March to the Sea" (Cont.)
Along with Savannah, Sherman got a lot of guns and ammunition along with bales of cotton. -
Freedmen's Bureau
The proper name of the Freedmen's Bureau is The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. The Bureau helped former slaves after the war was over. They had many great acheivements. They provided shelter for people who needed it including war veterans and former slaves. The recieved custody of confiscated land in the former Confederate states and Indian territories. The Bureau lasted until about 1872. Before they ended they acheived one of the greatest acheivements ever. -
Freedmen's Bureau (Cont.)
They helped educate former slaves. -
Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia
The Appomattox Courthouse is the town where the Civil War was ended. In a house is where General Robert E. Lee surrendered. From the start of the war til that point there were over 1 million casulities. This included about 630,000 dead. This surrender lead to many other surrenders. The terms were simple, because Lincoln just wanted them back into the Union. The meeting started at around 1:30 P.M. It lasted about an hour and a half. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln on the 14th of April 1865. He shot him in the back of the head while Lincoln was watching a play a the Ford's Theatre. After he shot him, Booth jumped on stage and broke his ankle. Booth was trained actor so he knew how to jump down. He still mangaged to escape. Lincoln did not die until the next morning in the hotel across the street. He died with his son beside him. Booth was later caught and shot while in a barn. -
13th Amendment
The 13th amendment was proposed on January 31st, 1865. It was the last amendment proposed before Lincoln was assassinated. This amendment put a complete stop to slavery and involuntary servitude, excpet when given as a consequence of committing a crime. The 13th amendment was the first of the "Civil Rights" amendments. Lincoln propsed it after he saw that the Emancipation Proclamation did not work. It was ratified right towards the end of the Civil War. The amendment was also added to the -
13th Amendment (Cont.)
Republican party platform. It helped expand civil rights to all citizens of the United States. -
14th Amendment
The 14th amendment was proposed on June 13th, 1866. It was the 2nd of the "Civil Rights" amendments. It mainly guranteed three things. Those things being citizenship, due process, and equal protection. This changed voting power thoughout the nation. As great as the 14th amendment is, it is some times misunderstood. It states the citizenship to all natural born babies. This is misconstrued from the original meaning. -
14th Amendment (Cont.)
It is often taken into the context that all natural born new borns are U.S. citizens, but this is misinterpreted because that means the paretns of a U.S. citizen can both be illegal aliens. -
15th Amendment (Cont.)
The Republicans were strongly in favor of this amendment. The Democrats were however not so much in favor of it. -
15th Amendment
The 15th Amendment was proposed on February 26th, 1869. It was the last "Civil Rights" amendments. This amendment gave the right to all men to vote. Even though it insured the right of all men to vote there were many test that southerners would run to keep aftrican american men from voting. The amendment also stated, "The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." This basically meant that congress could use any means necessary to enforce the amendment. -
The Election of 1876 (Cont.)
The Compromise of 1877. -
The Election of 1876
The Election of 1876 was one of the closest elections of all time. The election was won by Rutherford Hayes by only one electoral vote. He beat Samuel Tilden by that one electoral vote. This election was going to be a tough one due to all the scandals that went on during Grant's presidency. With 20 electoral votes left to be decided there ws an agreement made between the parties. It convinced the democrats to accept the 8-7 vote. This made Hayes the new president. This is referred to as