
  • UGA 1786

    UGA set aside 40000 acres of land to build a college. At the meeting that was held in Augusta on February 13, 1786 Abraham Baldwin was selected president of the university (Georgia Info).
  • Yazoo Land Sale

    General Assembly bribed to sell 25 million acres of land. In spite of them selling the land angry Georgians protested the sale in petitions and street demonstations (Georgia Info).
  • John Ross

    John Ross wrote a constitution, which created laws for the Natives and make them a seperate nation from the u.s. protecting them from removal. A convention was meeting in November the year before to talk about proposing a new constitution (Georgia Info).
  • Cotton Gin 1793

    The Cotton Gin was an invention that was led to the massive growth in the United States Cotton industry. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and it was possible to clean 50 times more cotton per everyday then done by hand (Georgia Info).
  • Dahlonega Gold Rush

    In Dahlonega there was a gold rush found. People rushed to settle on the land and get it. The gold rush started because thousands of miners swarmed into the mountains in what the Cherokees called the ' Great Intrusion,'and the Gold rush the started (Georgia Info).
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson ignored the Worcester V. Georgia ruling and passed the Indian Removal Act. A U.S. military force defeated the upper creeks in the battle of Horseshoe Bend as a result of the loss' the creeks in Aug 1814 ceded most of their lands in the southern Georgia (Georgia Info).