costa rica

  • Sep 18, 1502

    costa rica discovered by christopher columbous

    costa rica discovered by christopher columbous
    chritopher columbous disvoered costa rica when he was making his fourth and last trip to the new world.
  • Jun 2, 1561

    The spanish arrival

    The spanish arrival
    juan de cavallons expidiotion had arrived to te certal valley , the small place of garicimunozthe disease and fighting introsuduced earily attempts to colonize
  • scare resource of money

    scare resource of money
    in 1709 spanish money was becoming scare to all, the settelers so they had to use beans for currency. with not much they had to trade thing s since spanish money was running low
  • rebelled in 1821

    rebelled in 1821
    n Mexico rebelled against Spain in 1821, Costa Rica and the rest of Central America followed. Two years later a fraction of costa rica wanted to become part of mexico, causing a cvili war in the countries between them
  • first head of state

    first head of state
    the first head of state was juan mora fernandez. fernadez follow a progressive course which created and elite class of powerfull coffee barons
  • general thomas huardi

    general thomas huardi
    thomas huardia seized control of the government . he made some of the countries most porgressive refore in taxation,education, adn military policy
  • industry decline

    industry decline
    the social conflict with panama was the disease from panama brought to costa rica from the infection pof banana plants causing a drop in market and soon a decline in the industry
    the communist party played a large role in making the great banana strike in 1934 which was the largest int eh history of costa rica
  • civil war

    civil war
    civil war erupted after united social christian party refused to relinquish power after losing the presidential of costa rica most infulential leaders deafeted calderon in about a month
  • nobel peace prize

    nobel peace prize
    costa rican preisdent oscar arias sanchaz won a wolrd recogniziton for nobel peaice prize for his work in nicaraguan civil war
  • move towards free trade

    in 2007 the development of the country was really good but high tech manufacturing industry and crime,poverty, inequality all had contunied to rise. Costa rica the dominican republic and central amarican free trade agreement was waiting