Infinitely Hot and dense universe created
10^43 Seconds after the big bang- The beginning the universe was infinetly smalll and with this it is infinetly hot and dense -
Inflation of Universe
10^35 Seconds (Planck Length) after the big bang - The Universe inflated from an infinitely small pinpiont to about the size of a grapefruit. Cooling and making the univere less dense allowing for more change -
Energy Turns into Matter
10^-6 seconds- The Universe turns from pure enrgy to an array or tiny particles, even smaller than atoms, protons, electrons etc. These particles are studied modern day through a hadron colidder. -
Unverse begins to take shape
10^-33 seconds- The universe expanded and rapidly it cooled it becomes less dense and allowed for the formation of the Fundamental Forces (Gravity, Strong and Weak nuclear and ElectroMagnetic) -
Particles are formed
1 second- As the universe cools it becomes possible for Quarks to join and form into larger particles such as electrons, photons and nuetrinos -
Basic Elements formed
3 seconds- (ReIonization) The most basic elements take shape. Hydrogen, helium and lithum are created. -
Electrons without nuclei
3 seconds after- Electrons Existed but the universe was to hot for them to join with nuclei. Electrons were just flying around with lots of kinetic energy. -
First Stable Atoms
300,000 years after- Electrons begin to be join with nuclei and form stable atoms -
End of the Dark Era
End of a dark period in which we cannot see back though, this is the farthest we can see back and thus the end of the dark age. -
Density Bumps Expand
Density Bumps begin to expand and form large dust clouds as these dust clouds grow larger they begin to for become more dense and hotter. -
First Stars Form
As those large gas clouds become large and hot soon they ignite. Turning gas clouds into Stars -
First Galaxies form
Star's gravitation field bring in other objects in the universe forming planet, slowly stars are brought together and with other celestial objects form Galaxies. -
Milky way Forms
1 billion years after- Estimated that the Milky way galazy formed about 1 billion years after the big bang, with is oldest star froming near the begining of all stars forming -
Our Sun forms
Our Sun is believed to have formed. The sun forms within a cloud of gas in the Milky Way Galaxy. -
Formation of the Solar System
The Solar System with which Earth lies within is formed. -
Earth and Moon Forms
Earth and Moon where believed to have formed due to combinations of astreriod impacts and the gas and debris that moves around the new sun. -
Extinction of the dinosaurs
Dinosaurs become extinct most likely from a cataclysmic event -
Life on Earth
Life begins on earth -
Human Life
200,000years ago- First Humans on earth -
Scientific discoveries
Humans begin to study how the world works and where and what happened prior to our existance. Our techniques slowly become more advanced and discover more and more until our present day knowledge. -
Present Day
Present day Universe - Astronomers figure out everything that is written here Picture: http://images8.alphacoders.com/431/431311.jpg