COSC 1401 Class Assignment #1 by tyerra whitlock

  • Only large universities and the Government have access to email on the Internet

    Only large universities and the Government have access to email on the Internet
  • U.S Congress Doubles Presedients salary

  • Steve Wazniak invents the Apple I computer.

    Steve Wazniak invents the Apple I computer.
  • snow fall in Miami

  • frankenstine opens and closes on broadway

  • IBM introduces the PC.

    IBM introduces the PC.
  • Mike Tyson is arrested

  • The Internet became viable for the general public

    The Internet became viable for the general public
  • MLK in all 50 states for the first time

  • The World Wide Web became available to the general public

    The World Wide Web became available to the general public
  • - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky signs affidavit denying she had an affair with President Bill Clinton

    we all know what really happend...
  • Google goes online. Who are the two creators of Google? Lary paige & sergey brin

    Google goes online. Who are the two creators of Google? Lary paige & sergey brin
    lary paige serget brin
  • President George W. Bush signs into law the No Child Left Behind Act.

  • Yahoo! Directory goes online.

    Yahoo! Directory goes online.
  • Canada introduces the Civil Marriage Act, making Canada the fourth country to sanction same-sex marriage

  • Youtube is founded.

    Youtube is founded.
  • kindle relased

    kindle relased
  • Bobbi McCaughey gives birth to septuplets in the second known case where all seven babies were born alive.

  • Barack Obama, inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America, becomes the United States' first African-American president

  • Bing is introduced by Microsoft.

    Bing is introduced by Microsoft.
  • instagram began