Corey Weaver History Of Railroad

By corwea
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Earlier Railroads...

    Earlier Railroads...
    Earlier railroads used in Germany were called the wagonway. They were used to move wagons along wooden rails rather than dirt. This was the earliest known predecessor of modern railroads.
  • Iron.....

    Iron now is being used more and more in rails and wagon wheels. This increaded stability. It also enabled faster travel.
  • Flangs...

    Englishman William Jessup designed wagons with flanged wheels. Flangs enabled the wheels to grip the tracks. This also enhanced stability.
  • Steam Power...

    Steam Power...
    Richard Trevithick develops the first steam powered wagon. This made travel far faster. It also eleviated the need for horses.
  • Put to the Test...

    Put to the Test...
    the first steam engine hauls 10 tons of iron, 70 men and 5 wagons over 9 miles in 2 hours. It was intended to prove the usefullness of railroads. This opened the gate to a new empire in travel.
  • American Railroads...

    American Railroads...
    The first American railroad charter is granted to John Stevens. This enabled him to create the first railway in America. This would also be the start of one of this nations largest historical indusrties.
  • Test number Two...

    Test number Two...
    George Stephenson's locomotive hauls 6 coal cars and 450 passengers over 9 miles in 1 hour. This revolutionized mass transport of goods. It also revolutionized land travel of passengers.
  • Tom Thumb...

    Tom Thumb...
    The first American locomotive is built. The name of the engine was Tom Thumb. This was a steam powered engine.
  • Overnight Hauls...

    Overnight Hauls...
    Prototypes of the "sleeper car" are in use. These were designed for overnight travel. These early cars were often very uncomfortable.
  • Perfection...

    The sleeping car is perfected by George pullman. Named after their inventor, the Pullman Sleeping Car was far more efficient than earlier models. It provided a smoother ride and, in turn, a better night's sleep.