Corbin Slagle Early Federal period Unit 1

  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    The first pernament english settlement in amerca was established and developed. Devolepment was slow as they adjusted to the new climate.
  • Salem Witch trials

    Salem Witch trials
    The Salem Witch Trials started taking place in Massachusetts in 1662. Accusing someone of witchcraft wasn't out of the ordinary and often caused lots of conflict. People were often accused of witchcraft after something bad happened to someone around them.
  • Carolina splits into North and South Carolina

    Carolina splits into North and South Carolina
    The providence of Carolina is split into two separate colonies.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war started. The Indians wanted to maintain control of their homeland. The United states gained a large amount of territory from the indians like Florida.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British government passed the Stamp Act, which taxes the American colonies. The purpose was to help pay for British troops.
  • The Boston Massacure

    The Boston Massacure
    Brittish soldiers open fired on a crowd of people. THis killed five and wounded many others. this would not go unrecognized'.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The tea act was put in place to regulate tea and eshure it was being taxed properly. It crated a monopoly and the colonists were not happy.
  • First congress meeting

    First congress meeting
    The first continental congress meeting was held in Philadelphia. The meeting was held to discuss future plans for the country and what they were going to do about the British.
  • Revolutionary war beggins;.

    Revolutionary war beggins;.
    A battle between the American colonists and the Brittish. The battle resulted in the the Thirteen colonies turning into the United States Of America.
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was drafted in 1776. It was an official document that stated that the colonists were succeeding from British control.
  • America Flag is born

    America Flag is born
    The American flag is borne. The iconic stars and stripes Is borne, it was sewn by Betsy Ross.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Battle Of Yorktown
    The battle of Yorktown was the last major battle in the revolutionary war. It marked the unofficial end of the Revolutionary war.
  • Treaty of paris and articles of confederation

    Treaty of paris and articles of confederation
    The treaty of Paris was an official treaty that was signed, ending the Revolutionary War. Also, the Articles of Confederation were created, Thies defined the basic government function in America.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States of America. After serving as a general in the Revolutionary War, he was inaugurated.
  • John Adams Becomes Presedent

    John Adams Becomes Presedent
    John Adams became the second president of the United States Of America. He was George Washington's successor.