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Coraline timeline


    Coraline shines her flashlight at the dogbats overhead, agitating them and inciting them to fly down at her. She ducks in time for the dogs to collide with the actresses and Coraline gains control of the eye. The auditorium turns to grey stone and Spink and Forcible disintegrate with the dogs.
  • It finally ends.

    The cat helps her get home and she hugs her parents tightly. She wakes up to the cat being very upset. She apologizes for what she put him through and he snuggles up to her. They wake up and wybie apologizes for everything he said. The cat fades off into the distance and the movie ends.
  • She meets the ghost kids.

    She meets the ghost kids.
    The kids tell her to be quiet because other mother could be listening. They don't remember their names. But they remmebr other mother locking them In a mirror. She eventually returns home.
  • No one is home.

    No one is home.
    She then talks to Wybie and realizes one of the children is his grandma's missing sister. He runs away once they can't find it. After he father not answering her call she goes and talks to the neighbor. The neighbors breaks something open and gives her the seeing stone that is used for missing objects.

    Coraline shines her flashlight at the dogbats overhead, agitating them and inciting them to fly down at her. She ducks in time for the dogs to collide with the actresses and Coraline gains control of the eye. The auditorium turns to grey stone and Spink and Forcible disintegrate with the dogs.Next, Coraline goes to Other Bobinsky's apartment where she sees, dangling from a pole on the balcony, the empty clothes of Other Wybie
  • It starts to go down.

    The others try to sabotage Coraline and, as a last resort, she throws the triangular seeing stone at the head rat as it exits the doggy door of Bobinsky's apartment. She misses. She chases the rat onto the balcony which begins to fall apart and collapses. Coraline falls to the ground below and begins to cry when she realizes that she's lost the rat, and the game. The eclipse of the moon completes,
  • She tries to tell her parents about the " other world" But they think its all a dream.

    She tries to tell her parents about the " other world" But they think its all a dream.
  • Coraline talks to wybie again

    Coraline talks to wybie again
    She catches him spying on her although he claims he's hunting for banana slugs.
  • Coraline explores her house

    Coraline explores her house
    Coraline's father tells her to write down everything she sees if that will get her to leave them alone. She writes down everything she sees, including a painting of a boy in blue clothes.
  • Doll dissapears

    Doll dissapears
    Coraline doll disappears and is found under a mattress.
  • Coraline finds the door

    Coraline finds the door
    Coraline begs her mom to help her find the key and eventually they spot a black key and it fits perfectly. When they open the door it is just a solid brick wall. Coraline is frustrated. Her mom tells her to leave her alone and let her finish her work
  • Coraline meets Mr.Boninsky

    Coraline meets Mr.Boninsky
    She catches him getting rotten cheese for his pet circus rats
  • she goes into the other world again

    she goes into the other world again
    After leaving cheese for the mouse and following it again she ends up in the other world. She talks to other mother and eventually finds other father n the garden. She then meets " other Wybie". They both go to watch the mice circus. After the show she decides shes satisfied and goes to bed.
  • Coraline is sent to bed early

    Coraline is sent to bed early
  • she finds the portal to the other world

    she finds the portal to the other world
    After being awoken by a mouse, she decides to follow it and finds a portal, she goes through it and comes out of the painting on the fireplace
  • Other mother and other father are introduced

    Other mother  and other father are introduced
    Everything looks normal till she goes to her mom and sees she has burrons into her eyes. The mother explains that shes Coraline's " other mother". She explains that everyone has one. She then meets her "other father". They all sit down for dinner. The food is amazing. She is excited her other parents are more fun.
  • Coraline goes to sleep in her other room

    Coraline goes to sleep in her other room
    She hold poison oak as she goes to sleep but she wakes up in her current time room. She notices there is no more poison oak in her hands and she is disappointed.
  • She wakes up in her own bed

    She wakes up in her own bed
    She goes on a clothing shopping trip with her real mother and wanted sunglasses. Her mother said no while looking at gray boring outfits. She decides to stay home and unlock the portal which is surprisingly opened. The cat looks at her in dissapointment
  • she talks to the other world cat

    she talks to the other world cat
    The kitchen is surprisingly empty except for the other mother's box of food and a new outfit. She then finds the cat, but for some reason, it doesn't have button eyes. He eventually speaks and explains that he can travel through both dimensions.
  • They talk about the buttons

    They talk about the buttons
    Other mother tells her she can stay in that realm forever but she must get button eyes. She tries to convince Coraline by telling her there are many colors but Coraline refuses. She says she will consider things and goes to bed early.
  • She wakes up in the other room.

    She wakes up in the other room.
    She is confused and demands to see other mother so she can return to the real world. She can't and goes to find other wybie. She discovers other mother got rid of other wybie. She talks to the cat as they go on a walk. The cat says she only wants Coraline to either love or eat. Coraline demands to go home but other mother is mad. She starts to turn into a spider. She traps Coraline into a room and tells her she cant come out until she is a loving daughter.
  • It all starts.

    It all starts.
    . She wakes up in the middle of the night to see the cat sitting on her chest, looking at her closely. She asks him if he knows where her parents are. He pulls Coraline's doll out from under the bed but, instead of looking like her, the doll is two-faced, resembling each of her parents. In the hallway mirror, Coraline sees an image of her parents shivering in the cold and writing 'help us' on the frosted glass.

    Though the Beldam won't play fair, this gives Coraline the best chance. When Coraline emerges, she hears her mother calling to her and finds her in the drawing room. She goes to hug her mother, but the figure transforms into the Beldam. She takes the skeleton key from Coraline and, after locking the small door, swallows it. Other Father, reduced to a squat, blubbering mess,puts Coraline into a chair before he is dragged away by the furniture after the Beldam inquires about tending to the garden.
  • more goes down

    more goes down
    She goes downstairs and lights a fire on the hearth, throwing the doll into the flames to curl up and burn. Knowing her parents can't return on their own, she resolves to rescue them and dons her favorite army hat, a vest, and puts the triangle stone, some tools, and the skeleton key in her pockets.As she and the cat go through the small door, the cat pipes up and tells her to challenge the Other Mother to a game; she never refuses games.
  • EVEN more is happening

    EVEN more is happening
    The Beldam then takes Coraline into the kitchen to serve breakfast, she asks her to stay. Coraline proposes a game: if she is able to find her real parents and the eyes of the ghost children, the Beldam must let them all go. If Coraline is unsuccessful, she will stay and let the Beldam sew the buttons into her eyes. Coraline then demands a clue, which the Beldam relents to give: "In each of three wonders I've made just for you, a ghost's eye is lost in plain sight."
  • We're in the fever dream part.

    We're in the fever dream part.
    Coraline's search begins in the garden, where some hummingbird plants attempt to steal the triangular stone. Finding this curious, Coraline looks through the hole in the stone to see that the world appears grey, except for one colorful ball of light: the first eye. It is disguised as the shift knob on the praying mantis tractor. Other Father starts the tractor and chases Coraline with it. He apologizes, claiming that 'mother' is making him do it.
  • more fever dreams

    As the mantis chases Coraline across the garden pond's bridge, it collapses, sending the tractor and Other Father into the water. Before he submerges, Other Father grabs the eye and hands it over to Coraline. With the eye in hand, the entire garden dies and turns to stone.Meanwhile the moon overhead is beginning to eclipse -- a time limit on Coraline's search. She makes her way to Spink and Forcible's place, which has deteriorated.
  • MORE fever dreams

    The Scottie dogs now reside on the ceiling, looking more like bats, and the actresses have cocooned themselves in a taffy-like wrapper on the stage. Coraline sees one of them holding the second eye as a pearl ring and reaches into the wrapper to get it. However, she wakes the actresses, their tangled bodies resembling taffy, and they shriek and grab at her.
  • Coraline meets wbybie

    Coraline meets wbybie
    Coraline is circled by a kid on a bike, Coraline then pushes him off the bike. He gets up and introduces himself as Wybie which is short for wyborn.
  • coraline moves

    coraline moves
    Coraline moves to the Pink Palace apartment in Ashland Oregon. Her new town seems boring to her.
  • Coraline goes exploring

    Coraline goes exploring
    Coraline goes exploring and uses a stick as a dowsing rod, which is something used to talking to spirits. She eventually reaches the top of a hill and meets a black cat names " The cat"
  • Coraline recives the creepy doll

    Coraline recives the creepy doll
    After getting her parent's attention they give her a creepy doll from Wybie's grandmother that looks horrifyingly like her