New South Wales
The colony was found on the 26 of January 1788 in New South Wales. Arthur Phillips commission of 25 April 1787, said that all the islands adjacent in the pacific ocean." -
New south wales
The border of New South Wales was Moved on the 16th of July 1825, it moved to the 129th meridian east. But on the 3 of December 1825, a land was found that was called Van Diemens land but it was proclaimed a colony. -
Swan River Colony
Swan River was clamed by Charles Fremantle on the 2 of May 1829. -
Western Australia
Swan river colony changed its name to western Astralia on the 6 of February 1832 -
south astralia
South Astralia colony was found on the 28 december 1836, it is down to the east and it was original the western boarder of New South Wales. -
Northen Asturalia
The colony in Northen Australia was clamed on the 17th of February 1846 and because the border of New South wales was there tey moved to to 26 degress south and made New South wales into Northen Australia. -
New South Wales
the colony of Nouth Astualia was taken away and New south wales was put back this all happend on the 15 of April 1847. -
Victoria was calmed a colony because of the size of New South Whales on the 1 of July 1851 -
Van Diemen changed its name to Tasmania on the 1 January 1856 -
westain border of south wales
the border of south wales was clamed at the 132nd longitude east of meridian in may 1858 -
Queensland was clamed a colony, it was in the nouth east border of New South Walesthis all happend on the 6th of june 1859. The western border was set at the 141st meridian of longitude east. -
the western border of Queensland was moved to the 139th meridian of of longitude east, this all happend on the 3rd of June 1862. -
New South Wales
Th part of New South Wale that was Nouth of South Australia was cut off by south Astralia on the 6 July 1863. te stuff left was the borders remained untill after Federation.