Pythagoras (569 B.C.)
Pythagoras was born before Euclid on 569 b.c. Many contributions from Pythagoras are seen in High School geometry but the most famous is the Pythagorean theorem. Euclid include the pythagorean theorem in his book of "Elements". -
Plato (424 B.C.)
Mentor to Aristotle and a great contributor to western philosophy. Plato was a man of many fields and one being mathematics. His work along with Socrates and Aristotle gave a support to Euclid's "Elements". -
Aristotle (384 B.C.)
Aristotle was one of the greatest influences on western philosophy but his studies helped to lay the ground work for Euclid's "Elements" thirteen volume work. -
Euclid (350 B.C.)
Euclid is the often called the "Father of Geometry". He was born approximately 350 b.c. and wrote the book called "Elements". This book is the foundation for plane geometry. Many great mathematicans came before and after Euclid that have contributed to much of what we see in high school geometry. Euclid is recognized as the single most important contributor. -
Thales (624 B.C.)
Thales was born approximately in 624 b.c. Thales was considered to be one of the first greek mathematicians. He founded the geometry of lines. -
Eudoxus (410 B.C.)
Eudoxus of Cnidus helped to clarify definition 5 of Euclid's Book V.