Democritus was basiclly the started of the atomic theory. He was the one who discovered the atom and found that all atoms are invisible and atoms develop and come from other atoms. The reason he called the atom an atom is because Atomos is the greek word for invisible. just like the atom -
Isaac Newton
Some would say Isaac was very generous in his contributions to the atomic theory. He contributed to the theory of light, as well as the three laws of motion. As to our understanding of the atom he said that atoms were held together due to attractions. -
John Dalton
Dalton believed that molecules that were the same compound were obviously the same. He also believed that atoms of the same element were the same and there was no way ther could transform into another element. His atomic theory was that all matter is constructed of atoms and compounds are formed by a groupd of two or more diferent type of atoms. he also believed all atoms of a given element are identical in mass as well as their propoerties -
He was the first person to build the Cathode Ray tube which is nowadays used as X-rays to view unvisable things that we cant see under certain surfaces. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Erwin was very creative with his atomic structure contribution. He used math equations for waves to the electrons in an atom. Due to this his model was called the wave-mechanical model or the electron-cloud model. After he conducted his experiment and research he concluded elctrons were locaed in areas of high probability. -
J.J. Thompson
Thompson Discovered the existence of electrons by the Cathode Ray experiment. He was also the creator of the Plum pudding model. Not only did he discover electrons but in 1913 he discovered the existence of isotopes. His idea was that it is possible to have both positve and negative forces within an atom -
Werner Heisenburg
He was known for his uncertinty principle which states that we will never know where electrons will be. Werner was more intrested in studying quantum mechanics which lead to his conclusion that we can not determine where all the parts of an atom are located. He was focued on how atoms move and where they were located. -
Robert Millikan
Millikan is famous for his measurement of the charge of an electron and his work on the photoelectric effec by doing his oil drop experiment. By his oil drop experiment he was able to determine the charges of an electron in an atom. -
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford is reffered to the father of nuclear physics as he was a chemist and a physicist. He discovered the theory of radioactive half life. He also researched and concluded the differences between alpha and beta radiations. The biggest contribution he is known for is he was the first person to conduct a splitting of an atom. -
Niels Bohr
This mans scientific achievments have impacted our science today and the way we understand it. He was focused on the structure of an atom and in 1913 he completed his theory of the atomic structure. He combined Ruthfords work and Quantums theory together to come to his conclustion. He discovered the outter orbit of an atom can hold more electrons than the inner orbit. Because of his hard work and dedication to the atomic structure he revieced the Nobel Prize in Pysics in 1922 -
James Chadwick
Chadwich is most famous for discovering the neutron which is how he contributed to out understanding of the atom. The reason which lead him giving the neutron its name is because there wasnt enough enough electric charges to determine if it was posotivly charged or negativly so he decided that it was neutrally charged