Loie Fuller born
Isadora Duncan born
Isadora Duncan moves to London
Pioneers tour Europe
Duncan opens first school
School in Berlin-Grunewald, Germany -
Katherine Dunham born
Denishawn School Opens
In 1915, St. Denis and Shawn started the Denishawn school in Los Angeles. Ballet moves without shoes, ethnic and traditional dances, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, and Delsarte gymnastics were all studied by the students. -
Doris Humphrey attends Denishawn
Humphrey relocated to California, where she studied, performed, taught workshops, and acquired choreography at the Denishawn School of Dancing & Related Arts. -
Pearl Primus born
Xochitl performed by Martha Graham
Graham danced the title character of Xochitl in this piece choreographed by Ted Shawn about an Indian Princess. Emperor Tepancaltzin was played by Ted Shawn. Martha remembers something that happened during a performance. -
Duncan moves to Moscow
Period: to
Isadora Duncan's last US tour
Isadora alluded to her communism during her last United States tour -
Isadora Duncan dies
Martha Graham Dance Company and School Established
Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance was established in a small studio on the Upper East Side. -
Loie Fuller dies
Humphrey/Weidman School & company established
Humphrey and Weidmanquit Denishawn to start their own school and business. Humphrey desired to depart from Denishawn's sentimentalism and romanticism in favor of a new dance language and technique that was really "contemporary." -
Martha Graham's Heretic
first concert made up of solos, Graham created Heretic -
Ted Shawn buys Jacob's Pillow
Shawn set up Men Dancers who worked at Jacob's Pillow. -
Ballet Negres established
Dunham formed a group called Ballets Nègres, one of the first black ballet companies in the United States. -
Alvin Ailey born
Katherine Dunham's School Negro Dance Group established
Negro Dance Group. It was a school for Dunham to teach young black dancers about their African heritage. -
Pina Bausch born
Pearl Primus Joins New Dance Group
Primus began her formal study of dance with the New Dance Group under founders, Jane Dudley, Sophie Maslow & William Bates. -
Pearl Primus travels to Africa to study dance
Pearl Primus receives a Rosenwald Foundation scholarship to travel to Africa to study dance, which would become the first of many research trips. -
Revelations Premieres
Ailey said that one of America’s richest treasures was the African-American cultural heritage—“sometimes sorrowful, sometimes jubilant, but always hopeful -
Phoenix Dance Theatre formed
Alvin Ailey dies
Pearl Primus dies
Pina Bausch dies