Contemp issues

  • Plessy V Ferguson 1896

    The Supreme Court ruled that segregation was constitutional under the separate but equal doctrine. Places such as schools and churches became segregated as long as they were equal.
  • Brown Vs Board of Education 1954

    This case overturned the separate but equal doctrine from Plessy s Ferguson. It stated specifically that separate education facilities are inherently unequal.
  • Heart of Atlanta Motel vs United States 1964

    It declared that buisness es can not discriminate anyone based on their race
  • Loving V Virginia 1967

    This case got rid of the rules of no interracial marriage. It rid of discrimination laws between race and marriage.
  • Reed vs Reed 1971

    Was the first case that the Supreme Court spoke out on Sex discrimination. Laws that treated women differently and disadvantaged women became a violation of the Constitution.
  • Washington Vs Davis 1976

    This case ruled that laws can’t be considered discriminatory just based on a disparate impact. Laws are not constitutional if they affect different race group’s differently unless it is intended.
  • McCleskey Vs Kemp 1987

    A case in which the court ruled that statistical evidence of racial disparities in the application of the death penalty was not sufficient to prove unconstitutional discrimination. It is very controversial because it implicates racial bias
  • United States Vs. Virginia 1996

    Ruled that Virginias male only military admission policy was unconstitutional.
  • Shelby County V Holder 2013

    Supreme corporate declared that it is unconstitutional to use the formula for determining whether changes to a states voting procedures should be federally reviewed is now outdated
  • Obergefell Vs Hodges 2015

    This case allowed all same sex marriages to be legal in all 50 states.