
Construction of the European Union

  • Conference in The Hague.

    Conference in The Hague.
    Proposal of the creation of the Council of Europe formed by ten countries:Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
  • Creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).

    Creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
    It established a single market for coal and steel among the members.
  • European Convention of Human Rights into force.

    European Convention of Human Rights into force.
    The Council of Europe produced the European Convention of Human Rights, that came into force in 1953.
  • Treaty of Rome.

    Treaty of Rome.
    The six member countries of the ECSC (France, West Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) signed the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). They wanted to abolish the custom barriers, the free movement of goods, services, capital and people among member counties and the development of a common economic policy.
  • Period: to

    Europe of the Nine.

    Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Denmark joined.
  • Period: to

    Europe of the Ten.

    Greece joined the EEC.
  • Period: to

    Europe of the Twelve.

    Spain and Portugal went in.
  • Treaty on European Union (TEU) or Maastricht Treaty.

    Treaty on European Union (TEU) or Maastricht Treaty.
    Name changed to European Union (EU) and three main points:
    - Policies under which member states gave up sovereignty and adopted common decisions.
    - Common Foreign and Security Policies (CFSP).
    - Creation of the Europol.
  • Treaty on European Union (TEU) or Maastricht Treaty into force.

    Treaty on European Union (TEU) or Maastricht Treaty into force.
    The TEU came into force in November 1993.
  • Period: to

    Europe of the Fifteen.

    Austria, Finland and Sweden started taking part in the EEC.
  • Treaty of Amsterdam.

    Treaty of Amsterdam.
    Principles of freedom, democracy and human rights.
  • Treaty of Nice.

    Treaty of Nice.
    Restructuration of all Europeans laws.
  • Ten new members.

    Ten new members.
    Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic and Cyprus.
  • Period: to

    Two more countries.

    Bulgaria and Romania.
  • Period: to

    Last country that entered in the UE.

    Croatia joined UE and with it, they are 28 member state.