Constitutional Timeline

  • End of Revolutionary War

  • Great Britain no longer hostile

    Great Britain no longer hostile
    Britain declares that it is no longer hostile towards America, and was a joint agreement by the British Parliament. Peace negotiations began and the American Congress did not accept these until April 11, 1783.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was implemented which made Britain give up the control of the land east of the Mississippi, allowing the colonies to continue its expansion. The Treaty was a form of peace and would allow Britain to still trade with America making it profitable for both countries. Some of the terms of the Treaty are:
    Recognition as an independent United States of America
    Resolved issues of American debts owed to British
    ( Editors, 2009)
  • End of 1783 Slaves Banned in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.

    End of 1783 Slaves Banned in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.
    During this time slavery was on the way out. By the end of 1783 the importation of slaves were banned from these 3 states. This is very important because it began the equality of men movement though some of the colonies were still not seeing slaves as equals (Kelly, 2019).
  • Conference at Mount Vernon

    Conference at Mount Vernon
    On this date George Washington held a conference at Mount Vernon. Here at this location Virginia and Maryland created a pact in order to allow the navigation of the Chesapeake and Potomac Rivers. This would later prove that states are able to work together in a common goal (Kelly, 2019).
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    This Ordinance allowed for the selling of the townships of the northwest territory to be sold for $640 per lot. Would lead to great expansion of the country (Kelly, 2019).
  • Remonstrances Against Religious Assessments

    Remonstrances Against Religious Assessments
    James Madison publishes "Remonstrances Against Religious Assessments". This publication was aimed to give individuals the freedom of religion throughout the United States and is still implemented today (Kelly, 2019).
  • The New Jersey Plan

    The New Jersey Plan
    This is were we see the weakness of the Articles of Confederation which ultimately lead to the creation of the Constitution. New Jersey showed a flaw in the Articles by not being able to pay their share of money requisition to the national government (Kelly, 2019).
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Held in a State House in Pennsylvania, were a group of men gathered to begin writing and planning the Constitution of the United States. All of the states during this time period attended the convention except for Rhode Island (The Editors, 2019).
  • New Hampshire becomes 9th State

    New Hampshire becomes 9th State
    Prior to the Constitution being accepted among all of the states it was first made apparent that 9 of the 13 states must ratify the document to have it become accepted. On this date New Hampshire became the 9th state to seal the Constitution of the United States of America ( Editors, 2009).
  • Constitutional Government Begins

    Constitutional Government Begins
    During this time period after New Hampshire became the 9th state to ratify the document. Virginia would also ratify in June and New York in July. This Constitutional Government began on this date and has held ever since ( Editors, 2009).