Constitutional influences timeline

  • Period: Sep 20, 1200 to

    Constittutional Influences

  • Sep 20, 1215

    the signing of the magna carta

    the signing of the magna carta
    the magna carta came when the nobles were fed up with the king no beng fair and trying to help hi so they ameup with the magna carta and forcely made the king sign and agree with it
  • May flower compact

    May flower compact
    a newgroup of settelers arrive in amrica and decide that their going to need a way to keep order amongst the settelers so they developed a conctitution
  • Fndementl Orders of Connecticut

    Fndementl Orders of Connecticut
    were the pilgrims arrive they were being treated bad so they left that rea admoved to a new place and develope the firt constitution
  • Glorious Revoulution

    Glorious Revoulution
    their was a fight against parliament nd the king which overalll sowed that the king was much weaker then parliament
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    a new law was passed which cut out all cruel and unusal punishment, death penalties,stoning just nothing out of the orderaniry
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    he was an engish philosepher who in this time thougt/beived tht every man and womn was born fee and equal but didnt get why they still always wore chains in hie eyes
  • Brn de Montesquieu

    Brn de Montesquieu
    he developedthe seperaton o pwers so that one man wot become to powerful an try t take ove so he divided it so that everyone had equal powers
  • Jean-acques Rouseau

    Jean-acques Rouseau
    he published a book that stted "every man is born free but every wer he turns hes in chains"