
  • First Amendment

    First Amendment
    Amendment 1 , it is the first of 10 amendments. This amendment gives us freedom of religion, speech, and assembly, the right to petition. This amendment was decided on, so that we will not have to be told where to worship.
  • Second Amendment

    Second Amendment
    The second amendment is the Right to own and Bear Arms. This amendment was introduced by James Madison, in 1791. This involved Militia, all males between 16 and 60 were required to own and use guns. If no gun, the men had to pay a fee. Bearing arms mean to have guns with you and/or in your home. This amendment protects people from the government to take away these rights.
  • Fourth Amendment

    Fourth Amendment
    This Amendment protects us from searches and seizures from the government. This protects from intrusion and safty. With any supicious activy law enformcement has right to search vehicles. School officials have right to search a student if deemed necessary. A person can bestopped by an officer if deemend necessary. Home searches require a warrant.
  • Fifth Amendment

    Fifth Amendment
    This amendment is a guarantee of due process. Innocent until proven guilty protects a person from being accused of a crime until trial is held. This also protects us from the government taken away our private property without paying us
  • Sixth Admendment

    Sixth Admendment
    the sixth amendment gauarantees a citizen a speedy trial. This also gives them an attourney if the citizen wants one,a fair trial, and a chance to confront the witness in the case.this amendment was ratifyed on September 25 1789
  • Seventh Amendment

    Seventh Amendment
    This amendment was put into place by James Madison and it deals with a person having the right to have a trial. In the 1700s, if the case cost over 20$, trial took place. Today, if 75,000$ ot more trial will go to grand federal coiurt.
  • Eighth Amendment

    Eighth Amendment
    This amendment has to do with bail money. ALot of bail can not be set due to the fact of not knowing if person is guilty or not in the beginning. Bail is promise that that he/she will return to court or loose the money or property. This amendment also deals with cruel punishment can not be used.
  • Ninth Amendment

    Ninth Amendment
    The ninth amendment dosent introduce any new rights. It protects the ones we already have from the government. James Madison introduced this amendment . He wanted our rights to be protected so he came up with this.
  • Third Amendment

    Third Amendment
    During the American Revolutionay War, soldiers were often allowed to stay in home of other people. This was believed to violate privacy. This Amendment said that no soldier could demand a place to stay, but could ask.This Amendment works to protect soldiers from going on anyones private property.
  • Tenth Amendment

    Tenth Amendment
    the tenth amandment means anything the constitutiondoes not mention can be considered by the states as a part of their powers if they want to. The powers degligated to the United statesby the constitution nor prohibited by states, are reserved respectivly or to the people.
  • The First Ten Amendments

    The First Ten Amendments