Bill of rights

Constitutional Amendments

  • Amendment 1

    Amendment 1
    Proposed on this date.
  • Amendment 2

    Amendment 2
    Amendment 2 was proposed at this time.
  • Amendment 3

    Amendment 3
    Amendment 3 was proposed on this day.
  • amendment 4

    amendment 4
    Amendment 4 was proposed on this day.
  • Amendment 5

    Amendment 5
    Amendment 5 was proposed on this day.
  • Amendment 6

    Amendment 6
    Amendment 6 was proposed on this day.
  • Amendment 7

    Amendment 7
    Amendment 7 was proposed on this day.
  • Amendment 8

    Amendment 8
    Amendment 8 was proposed on this day.
  • Amendment 9

    Amendment 9
    Amendment 9 was proposed on this day.
  • Amendment 10

    Amendment 10
    Amendment 10 was proposed on this day.
  • Amendment 1

    Amendment 1
    Amendment 1 was ratified.
    Religious Freedom
    Freedom of Speech
    Freedom of Press
    Right to Assembly
    Right to Petition
  • Amendment 2

    Amendment 2
    Amendment 2 was ratified on this day.
    Generally speaking,citizenshave the right to ownn firearms.
    There are some alternative interpertations of this amendment and it is a topic of heated debate.
  • Amendment 3

    Amendment 3
    Amendment 3 was ratified on this day.
    You can not be forced to house soilders in your home.
  • Amendment 4

    Amendment 4
    Amendment 4 was ratified on this day.
    You are protected against unreasonable searches and seizures.
    Officers must have a probable cause, or strong reasons to think the personor property was involved in a crime.
  • Amendment 5

    Amendment 5
    Amendment 5 was ratified on this day.
    Double Jeopardy-you can't be accused of the same crime again after have been found not guilty of that crime the first time.
    You cannot be forced to testify against yourself or incriminate yourself.
    You cannot be subjected to sentencing without due process of law.
  • Amendment 6

    Amendment 6
    Amendment 6 was ratified on this day.
    Right to a speedy and public trial.(They can't throw you in jail and throw awaya key)
    Right to a jury of your peers.
    The jury must hear evidence from both sides before determing guilty or innocence.
    Legal consel must be provided to the defendant.
    Right to know of what you've been accused.
    Right to hear and question all witnesses against you.
  • Amendment 7

    Amendment 7
    Amendment 7 was ratified on this day.
    Right to a jury trial in most civil cases that involve disputes of property worth more than $20.
    Civikl cases are lawsuits that arise when people's rights are in confict.
  • Amendment 8

    Amendment 8
    Amendment 8 was ratified on this day.
    You can't be given excessively high bail or fines.
    The government/police cannot inflict cruel or unusual punishment on you.(torture,ior example)
  • Amendment 9

    Amendment 9
    Amendment 9 was ratified on this day.
    The gfovernment cannot claim that the rights listed in the Bill of Rights are the only rights that people have.
    The government cannot tell you that those are your only rights.
  • Amendment 10

    Amendment 10
    Amendment 10 was ratified on this day.
    If a right is not directly granted to the federal government in the Constitution then that power doesn't belong to the Federal Government that power and automatically belongs to either the state governments or to the people.