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Constitutional Amendments

  • Bill of Rights Ratified

    Bill of Rights Ratified
    The Bill of Rights, containing the first ten amendments to the Constitution, establishes protection for many basic freedoms, such as speech, religion, the press, assembly, petition, and due process.
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    Amendments to the US Constitution

  • 11th Amendment Ratified

    11th Amendment Ratified
    The 11th amendment protects the states from lawsuits brought by out-of-state American citizens and foreign-born guests. It also established the principle of sovereign immunity, by which the state cannot be named in a civil lawsuit.
  • 12th Amendment Ratified

    12th Amendment Ratified
    The 12rth Amendment changed and clarified the rules for the elections of President and Vice-President. For the first time, the Vice-President would be listed separately on the ballot, rather than falling to the loser of the presidential election.
  • 13th Amendment Ratified

    13th Amendment Ratified
    The 13th Amendment made all forms slavery and indentured servitude illegal.
  • 14th Amendment Ratified

    14th Amendment Ratified
    The 14th Amendment legally protects the rights of American citzens from being infringed upon by the state. In other words, the state cannot legally withhold rights such as due process or the right to vote that were established previously in the Constitution.
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    15th Amendment Ratified
    The 15th Amendmnent forbids withholding the right to vote based on race, color, or previous status as a slave or indentured servant.
  • 16th Amendment Ratified

    16th Amendment Ratified
    The 16th Amendment allows Congress to establish an income tax on American citizens without consultation of the states or the United States Census.
  • 17th Amendment Ratified

    17th Amendment Ratified
    The 17th Amendment established the direct election of United States Senators by popular vote of the people, rather than by electoral college.
  • 18th Amendment Ratified

    18th Amendment Ratified
    The 18th Amendment made the sale or manufacture of alcohol illegal in the United States, a policy known as 'Prohibition'.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    19th Amendment Ratified
    The 19th Amendment established the right to vote for women, after a long campaign by female suffragetes.
  • 20th Amendment Ratified

    20th Amendment Ratified
    The 20th Amendment changed the starting dates for the official term of the President and Vice-President to January 20th.
  • 21st Amendment Ratified

    21st Amendment Ratified
    Repealing the 18th Amendment, the 21st made the sale and manufacture of alcohol legal once again.
  • 22nd Amendment Ratified

    22nd Amendment Ratified
    The 22nd Amendment gave each President of the United States a two-term limit.
  • 23rd Amendment Ratified

    23rd Amendment Ratified
    The 23rd Amendment gave the District of Columbia three votes in the Electoral College, allowing Washington D.C. residents to participate in national election.
  • 24th Amendment Ratified

    24th Amendment Ratified
    The 24th Amendment abolished the 'poll tax', a fee citizens had to pay before they could vote.
  • 25th Amendment Ratified

    25th Amendment Ratified
    The 25th Amendment established official procedures for the succession of the Presidency and Vice-Presidency in case the officeholders die, become incapacitated, or resign while in office.
  • 26th Amendment Ratified

    26th Amendment Ratified
    The 26th Amendment lowered the official voting age for United States elections to eighteen years of age.
  • 27th Amendment Ratified

    27th Amendment Ratified
    The 27th Amendment established a delay in laws affection the salaries of members of Congress until the beginning of the next Congressional term.