We the people

Constitutional Amendments

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    Constitutional Amendments

  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly
    Amendment 2 Right to bear arms
    Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers
    Amendment 4 Search and arrest
    Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases
    Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial
    Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases
    Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment
    Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People
    Amendment 10 States' rights Image Reference
  • Amendment 11 - Lawsuits against states

    Amendment 11 - Lawsuits against states
    The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State. Image Reference
  • Amendment 12 - Presidential elections

    Amendment 12 - Presidential elections
    The amendment revises presidential elections by using Electoral College. Image Reference
  • Amendment 13 - Abolition of slavery

    Amendment 13 - Abolition of slavery
    This amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude with the exception of punishment for crime. For example, a chain gang. Image Reference
  • Amendment 14 - Civil Rights

    Amendment 14  - Civil Rights
    This amendment defines citizenship by stating that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens. Image Reference
  • Amendment 15 - Black suffrage

    Amendment 15 - Black suffrage
    This amendment prohibits the denial of voting rights based on race or previous forms of servitude (slavery). Image Reference
  • Amendment 16 - Income Taxes

    Amendment 16 - Income Taxes
    This amendment allows the federal government to collect income taxes from citizens. Image Reference
  • Amendment 17 - Senatorial elections

    Amendment 17 - Senatorial elections
    This amendment estblished the direct elections of senators by citizens' popular vote. Image Reference
  • Amendment 18 - Prohibition of alcohol

    Amendment 18 - Prohibition of alcohol
    This amendment banned the making, selling and drinking of alcohol. Image Reference
  • Amendment 19 - Women's suffrage

    Amendment 19 - Women's suffrage
    This amendment gave women the right to vote. Image Reference
  • Amendment 20 - Terms of office

    Amendment 20 - Terms of office
    This amendment established the dates in which representatives and the president are suppose to serve in office. This is also known as the "lame duck" amendment. Image Reference
  • Amendment 21 - Repeal of Prohibition

    Amendment 21 - Repeal of Prohibition
    This amendment canceled out the 18th amendment making alcohol legal again. Image Reference
  • Amendment 22 - Term Limits for the Presidency

    Amendment 22 - Term Limits for the Presidency
    This amendment set the term limits for a president to two terms. That is eight years plus two more years if a vice president has to take office for the president, with a total of ten years maximum. Image Reference
  • Amendment 23 - Washington, D.C., suffrage

    Amendment 23 - Washington, D.C., suffrage
    This amendment allowed Washington D.C. representation in Electoral College. Image Reference
  • Amendment 24 - Abolition of poll taxes

    Amendment 24 - Abolition of poll taxes
    This amendment prohibits the denial of voting rights to people who not pay to vote in elections. Image Reference
  • Amendment 25 - Presidential succession

    Amendment 25 - Presidential succession
    This amendment defines the process of a presidential succession. If the president dies, the vice president takes office, if the vice president dies the Speaker of the House is next, then the President of the Senate, then the Secretary of State and so on. For more information click here. Image Reference
  • Amendment 26 - 18-year-old suffrage

    Amendment 26 - 18-year-old suffrage
    This amendment established the official voting age to 18 years old. Image Reference
  • Amendment 27 - Congressional pay raises

    Amendment 27 - Congressional pay raises
    This amendment prevents Congressional members from getting pay raises until the beginning of the next Congressional session. Image Reference