Wild west

Conquest of the West

  • extinction of buffalo in 1800s

    extinction of buffalo in 1800s
    Bison were hunted near extintion in the 1800s. The bison gave fur, meat, and hide which made them valuable. They also were hunted to push native americans off the land beacuse they dependend on bison for food.
  • growth of new towns and cities to support cattle, mining, and farming industries

    growth of new towns and cities to support cattle, mining, and farming industries
    As the number of people people risen, so did the price of everything. As more people came over to the towns, and cities grew bigger, this meant that their was more demand for food which put farmers in a good place. And sense their was a gold rush, gold was in a high demand which led miners tomining for gold.All of these events had big parts in forming America and each one conects with one another.
  • discoveries of large amounts of gold and silver

    discoveries of large amounts of gold and silver
    Gold and silver were major parts of the expansion of the U.S. The goldn rush was a period of time that gold was found in high amount. Gold also payed very well. People killed over gold and silver. People that went after the gold and silver were called "49ers".Just to show what money will make people do.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Were several federal laws that gave ownership of land. The land was of little or no cost. It originally consisted of 160 acres of federeal land.
  • shift from “long drive” to “cattle ranching”

    shift from “long drive” to “cattle ranching”
    The cattlle drives were major economic activity in the American West. The ranchers earned a living by herding cattle from one spot to the next. By 1866 the was almost 20million cattle being driven. The drivers took very long days and had to make everytrhing out of nothing. They also had to protect there herd with their lives
  • Barb Wire

    Barb Wire
    Barb Wire was created in 1867. Invented in Kent Ohio. Was used to contain animals in certain spots. The wire was made with sharp points so no animal would want to jump the fence. used to contain horses, cows , goats , ect.
  • transcontinental railroad system

    transcontinental railroad system
    Transcontinental railroad system is a railroad track system used to shipp good all around the country. This was owned by multiple railroad conmpaines, and was one continuios track. this made it easy to ship almost anything and get it there faster than shipping by boat or horse back.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    Jesse james was an American Outlaw. He did everything from rob trains to murder. Jesse would robb from the rich and give to the poor. He is one figure that helped for the "Wild West"
  • Wild West Shows

    Wild West Shows
    Were traveling performances in the U.S. and Europe. They were traveling Circus. They began in 1883 lasting until 1913
  • Dawes Act of 1886

    Dawes Act of 1886
    In 1887 congress authorized the president of the U.S. to serve a American indian tribal land and didvide it into alloments for individual indians. this gave multiple indians home by doing this.