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Conquest of Britain

  • 55 BCE

    Expedition of caesar to Britain

    Expedition of caesar to Britain
    Caesar fails to conquer any territory, but he allows Britannia to enter the Roman sphere of influence.
  • Period: 43 to 46

    Expedition of Emperor Claudius

    The troops led by Claudio land in Rutupiae (Richborough, on the east coast of Kent).
    The Roman army conquers the south-east of the island, placing the capital at Camulodunum (Colchester).
  • 44

    Landing of the troops led by Claudius

    Landing of the troops led by Claudius
    Year of the battle of the medway, won by the Romans against the British tribes, which united to fight them under the command of Togodumnus and his brother Caratacus of the Catuvellauni tribe.
  • Period: 47 to 53

    Expansion of the Romans into Britain

    The Roman army expands northward: emperor Vespasian conquers a territory that extends to the line from the Humber and the severn estuary.
  • 52

    General Aulus Gallus

    General Aulus Gallus
    Aulus Didius Gallus bring the Welsh borders under control, defeating the Silures.
  • Period: 54 to 70

    The expansion led by Nero

    The Roman army conquers the Wales.
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    The conquest of the island of Mona

    The conquest of the island of Mona
  • 61

    The rebellion of Boudica

    The rebellion of Boudica
    The queen of Iceni combines her troops with thoose of the Trinovantes: conquers Camulodunum and defeats the Legio IX Hispana led by the governor Quintus Petillius Cerialis. Gaius Suetonius Paulinus reunites legions XIV Gemina and XX Valeria Victrix and clashed with Boudicca along Watling Street, destroying the rebels.
  • 76

    Submission of the Silures

    Submission of the Silures
    The general Sextus Julius Frontinus definitely defeats the Silures after a long military campaign.
  • Period: 78 to 84

    The governor Gnaeus Julius Agricola

    Agricola conquers the Wales, submitting the Ordovices. Furthermore, the governor heads towards the Pennines and builds Deva Victrix (Chester) and Pinata Castra (Inchtuthil).
    Agricola then obtains an important victory against the Caledonians of Calgacus.
  • Period: 84 to 117

    Consolidation period

    The governors after agricola fail to subdue the north and the Romans retreat behind the line of Hadrian's Wall.
  • 122

    The construction of Hadrian's Wall

    The construction of Hadrian's Wall