Connor's Timeline

  • Connor was born on July 22, 2006.

    Connor was born on July 22, 2006.
  • The Ohio Statewide Smoking Ban went into effect.

    The Ohio Statewide Smoking Ban went into effect.
  • Connor walked for the first time.

    Connor walked for the first time.
  • Connor went to Disney World for the first time.

    Connor went to Disney World for the first time.
  • Barack Obama became the first African-American President of the United States.

    Barack Obama became the first African-American President of the United States.
  • Connor became a big brother to sister, Amelia.

    Connor became a big brother to sister, Amelia.
  • Governor John Kasich took office as Governor of Ohio.

    Governor John Kasich took office as Governor of Ohio.
  • Apple releases Ipad changing the way Americans used computers

    Apple releases Ipad changing the way Americans used computers
  • Connor became a cousin when baby Jolie was born.

    Connor became a cousin when baby Jolie was born.
  • Curiousity Rover lands on Mars for the first time as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission.

    Curiousity Rover lands on Mars for the first time as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission.
  • Connor flew in Austin, TX to visit his best friend, Riley.

    Connor flew in Austin, TX to visit his best friend, Riley.
  • Connor went to Legoland, Florida.

    Connor went to Legoland, Florida.
  • Connor learned to fish with Uncle Frank at a family reunion in Tennessee.

    Connor learned to fish with Uncle Frank at a family reunion in Tennessee.
  • A new building, 1 World Trade Center, opens in New York City and is the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere.

    A new building, 1 World Trade Center, opens in New York City and is the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Ohio State University Football team wins National Championship game.

    Ohio State University Football team wins National Championship game.
  • The United States restores diplomatic relations with Cuba.

    The United States restores diplomatic relations with Cuba.
  • Connor got a new pet dog, Derby.

    Connor got a new pet dog, Derby.
  • Hilary Clinton is the first women to receive the presidential nomination of a major party.

    Hilary Clinton is the first women to receive the presidential nomination of a major party.
  • Michael Phelps finished his swimming career at the Rio 2016 Olympics where he extended the record to holding 28 medals, which is more than any other Oympian in history.

    Michael Phelps  finished his swimming career at the Rio 2016 Olympics where he extended the record to holding 28 medals, which is more than any other Oympian in history.
  • Connor started his own YouTube Channel.

    Connor started his own YouTube Channel.