connections throughout US history

By RyanSch
  • First Steamboat

    First Steamboat
    The first successful trial of a 45 ft long steamboat began in Philadelphia
  • First Train

    Invented by Richard Trevithick and Andrew Vivian, first in service in Merthyr Tydfil Whales
  • The maiden voyage of the steamboat Clermont

    averaged 5 miles an hour for 150 miles up the Hudson River
  • The Lehigh Canal

    it was built in two sections in over 20 years,the main products transported were coal and iron
  • The Telegraph and Morse Code

    Both invented by Samuel Morse for send messages over long distance by electrical signals
  • The Transcontinental railroad

    a 1,912 mile railroad spanning from Iowa to San Francisco
  • First Automobile

    First Automobile
    invented by karl benz and were rapidly adopted into the U.S., cars helped with making transportation faster
  • The Wright Brothers Flyer

    invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright, it was built using spruce wood, its average flights spanned about 200 feet
  • Television

    invented by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, this would open up ways of new electronic technology
  • The Opening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike

    The PA turnpike would make transportation faster and help finance roads
  • The World Wide Web

    created by Tim Berners-Lee, the internet improved the way people would communicate
  • Myspace

    created by Tom Anderson, Chris DeWolfe, and Jon Hart, this help people meet other people