connections through out history of US

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  • 55

    The Steam engine

    An engine capable of moving a train or even a car able to power large factory with only water and heat using steam to push and pull and system of levers and pulleys allowing for the production of steam powered vehicles and agricultural based machines
  • School

    Horace man the creator of school and the devil to modern children created today's modern learning environment for the US he created a standard curriculum and helped teach children how to read and wright since most of the US at the time couldn't do either which influenced generations to come about there communication ability
  • Maiden voyage of the steamboat clermont

    Maiden voyage of the steamboat clermont
    The first commercial steamboat voyage marking the evolution of transportation on water
  • The lehigh canal

    The lehigh canal
    this monstrous project of creating a man made canal spanning 71 miles over the years from 1818-1843 allowed for the transportation of goods over the canal instead or around witch would cost a lot of money
  • The tranconinental railroad

    The tranconinental railroad
    The transcontinental railroad made travel of goods from coast to coast possible and much more cost effective
  • The Telegraph and Morse code

    The Telegraph and Morse code
    (1791-1872) the telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication. It transmitted electrical signals over a wire laid between stations. Created by Samuel Morse, morse code was the first communication able to be sent across the telegraph
  • The birth of the modern car

    The birth of the modern car
    Karl Benz the creator of the first car and Henry ford creator of the first commercially manufactured car were the pioneers in the modern transportation systems because a car is slower then a train but a train can only traverse certain terrains a car on the other hand can go shorter distances but cover space that trains cannot
  • The Wright brothers flyer

    The Wright brothers flyer
    The Wright brothers flew there lighter then air flying machine four times. Their plane sparked the creation of bigger stronger engines and aircraft thus reinventing travel over long distance
  • Memes

    The year 1921 is held as the first time a meme was made. In modern days memes are mostly internet pictures with funny contexts and connotations to them some memes are also quit dark in the humor but these new pictures and funny pictures became a new way for young children to relate to each other these memes created a new way people communicate and connect with each other
  • Television

    Created by 21 year old Philo Taylor Farnsworth's sparked the invention of the color TV and revolutionized home entertainment systems for the years to come
  • The opening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike

    The opening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike
    At the time a 160 mile highway from Carlisle to Irwin this allowed a more efficient transportation of goods and better travel times for people
  • The World Wide Web (the Internet)

    The World Wide Web (the Internet)
    researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web allowed connection with others over long distances and helped to make this web site into a web site instead of an idea
    Jeff bezos invernter of amazon started the company as a online seller of books but later changed to the amazon we know today this invention of this massive company made many jobs and is now making millions
  • Myspace

    An american made social networking site held the most used networking site from 2005-2008 invented the ideas of Facebook and Instagram as well as snapchat
  • The iPhone

    The iPhone
    Created by Steve jobs interest in touchscreen technology the iPhone revolutionized how we access the internet with today's newest iPhone having the best camera on any phone to date as well as being able to look at memes text friends, play games look at documents. You can access Myspace the internet and amazon as well as go to and look at this cool timeline all from your phone