connection between martian Luther and thanksgiving

  • Nov 1, 1505

    luther turns into a monk

    martin turned into a monk after being sturk by lightning and belive it was a sign from god
  • Oct 29, 1517

    luther lead john calvin to belive in the same faith

    John calvin soon after he had heard martin luther started to belive that luther was a scripture and faith i guessed at the date but the year is right
  • Oct 31, 1517

    martin luther writes the 95 theses

    The three basic ideas
    i.prostest about how popes abuse there authroity
    ii.challenge the pope
    iii.denial of extra merit theory for indulgence
  • Nov 5, 1523

    martin luther tells people about his teachings

    justifiacatian by faith
    against sale of indulgances
  • thanksgivivng

    alot of martin luther events and prosets agianst the church lead up to the first thanksgiving