
  • Hartford Founded

    Hartford Founded
    In1636 Thomas Hooker founded Hartford and claimed some land that later became Connecticut.
  • New England confederation

    New England confederation
    Connecticut joind in on forming the New England Confederation.
    It was formed to help the Puritan Colonies fight against the nativew americans.
  • Returner with a charter for land

    Returner with a charter for land
    John Winthrop went to England to get a charter for some land and approval. This document gave the colony legal basis and approval from the king.
  • 1675 King Philip's war

    1675 King Philip's war
    Connecticut participates in Kng Philip's War in Rhode Island and Massachusetts
  • Edmond Andros

    Edmond Andros
    sir Edmond Andros went to Connecticut by King James 2 to take their charter and legal rights.
  • Calliagate schools

    Calliagate schools
    Colliagate school moves to Connecticut; this college is late called Yale.
  • Great Awewakening

    Great Awewakening
    the Great awewakeing is a movement when the colonists start changing their religious practices and really thinking about how they praise.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    English passed the stamp act that said all documents hard to have a stamp that ment a tax had been paid.
  • Delcaration of Independence

    Delcaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence wasn’t signed on July 4, 1776. On July 1, 1776, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, and on the following day 12 of the 13 colonies voted in favor of Richard Henry Lee’s motion for independence.
  • Connecticut Founded

    Connecticut Founded
    Thomas Hooker, a minister, founded Connecticut. It became the fifth state.
  • Establish Schools

    Establish Schools
    Connecticut reserve lands are sold for $1,200,00 to establish schools.
  • Brass Industry

    Brass Industry
    Brass Industry is started begins by Abe Porter.
  • Hartford Inssurance Company

    Hartford Inssurance Company
    Hartford Insurance Company is started and is still running today.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    the War of 1812 started but didnt affect Connecticut much. The line "the rockets ran glare the bombs bursting in air" from the Star Spangled Banner is from the war.
  • Antarctica

    Captian Nathanial Palmer fo Connecticut discovers Antarctica but was not the first to step foot on it.
  • Fist Foot Steps

    Fist Foot Steps
    Captian John Davis of New Haven, Connecticut was the first man to step foot on Antarctica.
  • Mutual Insurance

    Mutual Insurance
    Mutual Insurance of Hartford is founded. Mutual insurance was the first AIncurance Company.
  • Railroad

    The first Connecticut Railroad Incoraperated from Norwich to Worcester.
  • Rubber

    Charles Goodyear developed rubber vulcanizing process, Godyear tires.
  • Slavery

    Slavery becaomes abolished in connecticut after over 200 years.
  • Capitol

    Hartford became the capitol of Connecticut.
  • Telephone

    First telephone exchange in the world opened in New Haven
  • Ella Grasso

    Ella Grasso
    Ella Grasso; is the first women to be elected govonor of Connecticut.
  • 911

    Sixty five residents of Connecticut were killed in September 11 attacks.
  • Population

    Connecticuts population drops 40,000 since 1950, population is now 124,775 people.