Battle of gettysburg currier lithograph ives july 3 1863

conflicts that lead to civil war

  • westward expansion

    westward expansion
    America wanted to expand west but in the process they had too go to war with Mexico to get the land they had they wanted to go from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean in the 19th century
  • dread Scott vs Stanford

    dread Scott vs Stanford
    from 1846-1857 dread Scott vs Stanford case lasted so long because dread Scott was fighting for his freedom of being a slave in a free state there was a lot of legal challenges they had to go through and this was a big sue attempt to where it was brought to the supreme court who said that enslaved people are not citizens of the United States of America
  • Mexico american war

    Mexico american war
    from 1846 to 1848 america and Mexico where at war because of the more territory america wanted and Mexico owned the territory once america won there was more land west as a part of West word expansion and became the Kansas and Nebraska territories.
  • Kansas nabraska act

    Kansas nabraska act
    after the Mexico war the United States acquired new territories the Kansas and Nebraska territories but there was a question where these going to be slave or free states so they decided to have the residents decide.
  • bleeding Kansas

    bleeding Kansas
    between 1854-1861 violent conflicts happened in Kansas due to the talk of slavery
  • the election of 1860

    the election of 1860
    the election of 1860 was a big part of with the two sides weather to get rid of or keep slavery but when Lincoln was elected elected he abolished slavery for good