British census places population of Palestine at “689,272 persons, of whom no more (and perhaps less) than 60,000 were Jews” -
Sykes-Picot (British-French
agreement divides Arabian peninsula between British and French; Palestine left an international zone -
Zionist revisionists (
(Vladimir Jabotinsky and Stern Gang) begin negotiations with Nazis over support for Zionist settlement in Palestine; Jewish population increases more rapidly, reaching 528,702 by 1944 (out of 1,739,624 total) -
Deir Yassin massacre,
250 killed by Menachim Begin’s troops; flight of as many as 900,000 unarmed Palestinians to surrounding Arab states; Israeli statehood proclaimed, -
Operation Peace for Galilee launched
with Israeli forces invading southern Lebanon; operation leads to more than 17,000 Arab deaths and culminates in massacres of thousands of civilians at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps