Flag of israel 4 zachi evenor

Conflict in Israel

  • War for Israeli Independence

    War for Israeli Independence
    The United Nations decides to partition Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state. Violence leads to the first Arab-Israeli war in early 1948, when the British withdraw from the region. Jewish forces hold their ground and declare Israeli statehood on May 14, 1948.
  • Suez crisis

    Suez crisis
    Israeli leadership becomes weary of cross-border attacks from the Egyptian-controlled Gaza Strip and also Egypt's attempts to block Israeli shipping in the Suez Canal and Gulf of Aqaba. They nationalize the Suez Canal, and Britain; which owns nearly half of the Suez Canal Company, tries to prevent the nationalization by joining with France and Israel to gain control of the waterway.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    After Egypt's Nasser was succeeded by Anwar Sadat, Sadat prepares his country for war. Sadat, allied with President Hafez Assad of Syria, attacks Israel on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement- oct. 6th 1973. The war lasted for 18 days.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Egyptian and Israeli leaders meet at Camp David with President Carter to discuss a treaty in which Egypt would regain full control of the Sinai Peninsula. The treaty was signed march 26th 1979.
  • Israeli invasion of Lebanon

    Israeli invasion of Lebanon
    Israel focuses on the Palestinian refugees living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and attacks by the Palestine Liberation Organization from the Lebanon border add to the tensions. Israel invades lebanon in june and reach Beirut, cornering the PLO and Syrian fighters. Then the U.S. intervenes to help them get back the land.