Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Germany made the Treaty of Brest Litovsk when Russia pulled out of WWI in November 1917. In this Treaty, Russia lost 25% of her farmland and population to Germany. This was a harsh treaty but no where near as harsh as the Treaty of Versailles. -
Treaty of St Germain
Treaty between allies and Austria, done in 1919. Austria had to pay reparations, and lost quite a bit of land, e.g. Bosnia and Herzegovina went to Yugoslavia and Austria was forbidden to unite with Germany (Anschluss). Old Austrian empire had already collapsed, the treaty mainly just sorted out the aftermath of this collapse. Millions were given self determination so now could rule themselves thanks to setting up Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, however economy suffered- industry to Czechoslovakia -
Treaty of Neuilly
A treaty between the allies and Bulgaria, done in 1919. Bulgaria had to pay reparations ad lost land to Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia. Bulgaria's economy ended up declining due to land loss, and many Bulgarians were ruled by foreigners. -
Poland was created to be a watchdog over Germany to make sure they didn't break the Treaty of Versailles. They hoped Poland would act as a buffer to prevent the USSR from invading the rest of Europe. However, Poland had no natural frontiers so it is vulnerable to attack. 30% of population was not Polish so it was not united. Poland involved in continuous struggle with USSR as the USSR wanted land on Poland's eastern border. Poland had a strip of German land to reach the sea- Germans angry. -
Period: to
Created in 1919 at the end of WWI. Most complicated of the new countries formed. Made to give the people in the Old Austrian Empire independence and self determination. Yugoslavia was created by joining together of old countries such as Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia. Many different nationalities. In the 1990s, these countries fought each other for independence. -
Period: to
The allies created Czechoslovakia mainly from land of the old Austrian empire. It created a strong country in the centre of Europe which had a rich industry to support it- stand up to Germany. But there were six different nationalities in Czechoslovakia and some did not want to be apart of it, especially the Germans. The industrial areas of Czechoslovakia were near to the German border and Germany wanted to get back these industrial areas. -
German Government saw the Treaty of Versailles
The German government first saw the treaty of Versailles on the 7th May 1919, as Germany was not allowed to attend the Paris Peace Talks. The Germans were shocked because the Treaty was extremely harsh and not based on Wilson's 14 Point Plan as the Germans had believed it would be. Argued the treaty was unfair because it was a diktat. -
Treaty of Trianon
Treaty made with Hungary with allies in 1920. Slovenia and Croatia went to Yugoslavia, and Hungary had to pay reparations. Hungary lost a lot of land and population. Millions now given self determination so could rule themselves due to setting up Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, but Hungary's industries suffered from loss of population and raw materials. -
Treaty of Serve
Treaty made with Turkey in 1920. Turkey lost Smyrna from Greece along with other bits of land, and Turkey had to pay reparations. But the Turks were outraged by the Treaty, so Turkish nationalists, led by Mustafa Kemal challenged the Treaty's terms when they drove Greece out of Smyrna. Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 confirmed this. -
Treaty of Lausanne
The Turks were outraged by the Treaty of Serve, so Turkish nationalists, led by Mustafa Kemal challenged the Treaty's terms when they drove Greece out of Smyrna. Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 confirmed that Smyrna had returned to Turkey, which was signed by Britain