British Model Of Parliamentary Democracy Established
Conference in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island achieved agreement in principle on the idea of creating a federal union. It would follow the British model and be a parliamentary democracy with a monarch at the top, which would maintain tradition and well distinguish the Canadian government from the American System. It would also be a federal system, having both a central government and provincial governments, which would satisfy Quebec and the smaller colonies. -
Date Of Confederation
Canadian Confederation, the birth of Canada as a nation, took place on this day. 3 British colonies became 4 provinces, and it originally included Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. There are now 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada. -
Ontario Joins Confederation
One of the original 4 to first join Canada. -
New Brunswick Joins Confederation
One of the original 4 to first join Canada. -
Nova Scotia Joins Confederation
One of the original 4 to first join Canada. -
Quebec Joins Confederation
One of the original 4 to first join Canada. -
Northwest Territories Joins Confederation
The Northwest Territories joined because the Hudson Bay Company, who owned those lands, sold them to the Canadian Government.The Northwest territories also joined for the railway Canada offered. -
Manitoba Joins Confederation
The Hudson's Bay Company used to own a huge area in the western part of what is now Canada. The area contained Rupert's Land. The people of the Red River Colony in the southern part of Rupert's Land were Métis. They wanted their own government because when the Canadian government bought Rupert's Land, the Métis were afraid that they would lose their rights, but if they had their own government it would be easier to keep their way of living. -
British Columbia Joins Confederation
In 1858, gold was found in the Fraser River. This caused thousands of settlers to colonies on Vancouver Island. Because of the growing colonies, many people wanted to join Canada for reasons such as the colonies owing a lot of money, and they knew Canada could help them pay. -
Prince Edward Island Joins Confederation
P.E.I decided not to join confederation in 1867 although it was a part of the Charlottetown and Quebec conferences. Later though, Canada became worried that the island would join the United States, so they asked again if they would join. They became a part of Canada for reasons such as being in debt, and Canada agreed to help them pay the money. -
Yukon Territory Joins Confederation
Yukon joined because the Hudson Bay Company, who owned those lands, sold them to the Canadian Government. As well, in the late 1800's there was a discovery of gold.The Yukon was made into a separate territory in 1898 because the gold rush brought many Americans into Canada, and people were worried that the United States would use this as an excuse to take control of the area. -
Saskatchewan Joins Confederation
Saskatchewan was originally part of the Northwest Territories. By the 1900's, many people wanted a change for reasons such as the economy change, and things like schools were not affordable any more. -
Alberta Joins Confederation
Alberta was originally part of the Northwest Territories. By the 1900's, many people wanted a change for reasons such as the economy change, and things like schools were not affordable any more. -
Newfoundland Joins Confederation
In the 1500's, Newfoundland was a territory claimed by England. By 1949 people had to decide what they wanted for their political future. While some wanted to stay a colony of Britain, others wanted Newfoundland to become a province of Canada. They joined because Britain didn't want the cost of supporting Newfoundland any more, as well as Canada promising to help them by building things such as roads and railways. -
Nunavut Joins Confederation
The Canadian government have always made decisions for Native people without talking to them first.The Inuit wanted to start making decisions for themselves, and for that to happen they would need their own governent. Paul Okalik was chosen as the first premier.