

  • Wait what???

    Wait what???
    nearlly 100 years before all the meetings people had the idea of a confederation but there were alot of people who thought otherewise but stuff like the forming of the U.S changed their minds
  • WHY??!?!?!

    Because of alot of stuff like the threat of amaricain expantion, dept (not the Johnny kind) potitical deadlock, Britian wanting its colonies to be more self suffisent
  • Its revived!!!!

    Its revived!!!!
    After years of nothing importent an importent dude (lord Durham)
    in his report to Britan, said a confederation would be a good idea!
  • Confederation now a reality?

    Confederation now a reality?
    Fear of economic disaster and geting seamroled by the Americans in war, some foks started talking about what was called ,a confederation. This so called confederation would unite the colonies of northern America and allow free trade and stability
  • NOOOOOO free trade

    NOOOOOO free trade
    Free trade with America has ended (well not really) free trade with people in Canada. They are still alowed to trade with the U.S but they have to pay high taxes and stuff for their goods to pass the border so the colionies thought that if they united it would allow them to trade with them selfs without fines (and stuff)
  • Charlottetown confrence

    Charlottetown confrence
    Political leaders from all over Canada were gathed here to talk all about confederation and argue in general some of the "importent " people there were sir John A Mcdonalde and George Brown
  • Charlottetown Confrence ends

    Charlottetown Confrence ends
    after days of heated arguing (and generally not geing any where) people agued that confederation would suck and was a waste of money (rich people) and some people said it would save them (general class people)
  • Quebec confrence

    Quebec confrence
    Bacislly the same as the Charlottetown confrence nothing much accpomplished here...
  • Quebec confrence ends

    Quebec confrence ends
    Same thing as the othere confrence but people came out of this one with a renewed felling of hope...Hope for confederation! IT WAS NOW UP AND RUNNING persay most of the frame work was done just a little trimming and deitails were need to be fixed
  • Londen confrence

    Londen confrence
    After some years of sadness P.E.I and Newfoundland still wouldent join the confederation and this was suppost to get them
    to join but this would iron out most of the problems (names and stuff for the ne places)
  • London confrence ends

    London confrence ends
    The confrerence ends with
  • YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    shortly after the importent people filled out thier draft of how conederation should happen, people went crazy and it got aproved pretty quicklly... Anyways all the provinces had till july the first of that year to unite together!The act which united Canada was called : The BNA act (British north American act).