The road to revolution

  • lexington

    The fight of lexington started on the night april 18, 1775
  • Concord

    The british marched on to concord where they found an empty arsenal
  • Bunker hill

    2,400 Brittish soldiers sent by Gage to hold fire untill the last minute to murder everyone on their way. Colonist lost 450 men when the brittish were suffering more than 1000 casualties
  • New York

    32,000 soldiers arrived to seize New York city
  • Saratoga

    One of the most important even where american troops finally surrounded burgoyne.
  • Valley Forge

    More than 2,000 died fighting for food and supplies to stay alive at winter camp
  • Marquis de Lafayette

    They arrived to help. With such european help the continental army became an effective fighting force
  • Yorktown

    Brittish where surrounded by 17,000 French and American troops at the peninsula
  • Treaty of Paris

    U.S independence was confirmed and set the boundaries of the new nation