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Conception of Childhood

  • 753 BCE

    Inhuman methods

    Inhuman methods
    The romans used hard methods with the children.
  • 650 BCE


    Infanticide was practiced with deformed children or with some kind of physical defect.
  • 640 BCE


    Contraception or abortion were common as well as legal practices in both Greece and Rome.
  • 500 BCE

    Liberal Education

    Liberal Education
    This concept born in Greece. It defends the need for male citizens to be educate until puberty.
  • 500 BCE

    Physical education and sports

    Physical education and sports
    In Rome the liberal education loses relevance. Schooling is divided into three stages: Ludus (7-12 ages), Grammar (12-16 ages), Rhetoric (from1 16ages)
  • 385

    The birth

    The birth
    At the time of birth, Greek custom prescribed that only other women should accompany the woman in labor.
  • 390

    Ideal of the only son

    Ideal of the only son
    The male was better considered because it was thought that he could help the family economy more decisively than a girl.
  • 395

    Greek Heroes

    Greek Heroes
    Some children who died at a tender age were revered as heroes, intermediate beings between the gods and mortals.
  • Feb 25, 1400

    Infant Mortality

    Infant Mortality
    Caused by poor diet, illness or simple accidents. For these reasons, the small child was very little valued and only children who exceeded the second childhood acquired value.
  • Feb 25, 1400

    Children to work

    Children to work
    The poverty of the European population meant the incorporation of the child into the labor market from the age of five. In a way, the child was "adult slave" and the girls were given to do domestic work from the age of six.
  • Feb 25, 1450


    Education in the Renaissance was only for the children of wealthy people
  • Feb 25, 1460

    Sold Children

    Sold Children
    The children were sold by their parents to their masters to be servants and became their property.
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau

    Jean Jacques Rousseau
    His work, "Émile ou de l'education", contains a series of principles on how to educate children
  • Froebel

    Promotes the idea of ​​'kindergarten'
  • Parents

    The father and mother assumed different roles: severity and few or no affective expression on the part of the father; And condescension and affection on the part of the mother.
  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child

    Declaration of the Rights of the Child
    This declaration recognizes the child as "a human being able to develop physically, mentally, socially, morally and spiritually with freedom and dignity"
  • Children's rights convention

    Children's rights convention
    Changes the focus by considering girls and boys as protection subjects and not only as objects of the same.
  • Unicef

    Childhood is the time for children to be in school and at play, to grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family and an extended community of caring adults.