Conception of Childhood

  • 450 BCE

    Childhood in Rome

    Childhood in Rome
    At Rome, education was directed in a physical way, supported by sports activities. It was also exclusive for boys. As for girls, they were learning about home chores, since that's what was expected for them to do, so they shouldn't know about philosophy or any more content than that.
  • 1 BCE


    Infanticide during antiquity has usually been played down despite literally hundreds of clear references by ancient writers that it was an accepted, everyday occurrence. Children were thrown into rivers, flung into dung-heaps and cess trenches, “potted” in jars to starve to death, and exposed on every hill and roadside.
  • 1201

    Middle age

    Middle age
    Children were considered small men who must become real men quickly, the child was conceived as a homunculus (man in miniature). Consequently, the child must be educated to be "reformed". Educating and raising involves physical care, discipline, obedience, and love for God but there are no references to the need for love for good child development.​
  • 1400


    The belief that infants were felt to be on the verge of turning into totally evil beings is one of the reasons why they were tied up, or swaddled, so long and so tightly.
  • 1400

    Parents own their children

    Parents own their children
    Few children had proper access to education, and if they did, it was all about serving god. Parents were conceived as the owners of their children, therefore, the kids owe them absolute discipline, respect, and obedience. Parents could dispose of children however they liked: they could reprimand, punish or even negotiate and sell them.
  • 1550

    Child labor

    Child labor
    During this time, the big industries considered children, since they were five, as creatures able to work in a light but the extended journey thus they hired them as their workforce. Parents, in need, had no other choice but to agree.
  • Renaissance-Century XVII

    Renaissance-Century XVII
    Thanks to this moment in time, children weren't needed to work any longer. And those who were sons and daughters of wealthy people were raised by their own servants until they were old enough to find a job, there was no relationship between children and parents.
    Even at a time like this, "childhood" was still conceived as the worst state, more vile and abject thing on earth.
  • Childhood education

    Childhood education
    John Locked believed that educating children wasn't only their parents' concern but also a very big responsibility of the state.
  • Pestalozzi

    He believed in a whole-child approach that focused on the head, heart, and hands. For Pestalozzi, education was a vehicle for creating a more just society.
  • From evil to good

    From evil to good
    Jean Jacques Rousseau's remarks that children were born well by nature, people also started to think so. Thus, education began to become important and it was decided that it has to be adapted to the particular characteristics the child was born with.
  • Children's charter

    Children's charter
    The Children's Charter set out to bring together existing legislation and implement improvements in several core areas. This was designed to protect the poorest and most vulnerable children in society.
  • Freud's remarks

    Freud's remarks
    Freud's theory was about parent-child relationships and their correlation with social change. He brought importance to the role of children and their psychological influence in the establishment of a grown individual.
  • Geneva Declaration

    Geneva Declaration
    In 1924, the League of Nations (LON) adopted the Geneva Declaration, a historic document that recognised and affirmed for the first time the existence of rights specific to children and the responsibility of adults towards children.
  • All children have rights

    All children have rights
    This is the day where the UN approves the Children's Rights. Children were considered social individuals who had rights.
  • Parenting role in childhood

    Parenting role in childhood
    Parents play an important role in their children's lives, they not only provide them but are also responsible for their education and all the things they may need in order to grow well. The parents now care about their child's thoughts and emotions.
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Convention on the Rights of the Child
    Childhood was defined as the time for children to be in school and play, grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family and an extended community of caring and comprehensive adults.
  • Children as the future of society

    Children as the future of society
    In the 21st Century, children are conceived as the future of society, therefore child laws were created in order to guarantee their well being and provide them with a healthy environment where they can properly grow.
  • Childhood nowadays

    Childhood nowadays
    The fights for children's rights has been of much help, and because of it, education has been reformed following the purpose to make sure children can entirely and properly develop social and motor skills for their whole life. It is now recognized that children have both, same rights as grown-ups, and extra ones because they are in a process of growing and development. And thus, they have to be protected.