Birth of Concepción Arenal
Concepción Arenal was born on 31st of January of 1820 in Ferrol (A Coruña, Spain) -
Starting University
Concepción Arenal attends to University dressing as a man -
Concepción gets married
Concepción Arenal meets her husband at University and gets married to to him -
She has her first child
Concepción Arenal has the first of her three children -
She has her second child
Concepción Arenal gives birth to her second chilc -
She has her third child
She starts to write on La Iberia
She starts to colaborate on the newspaper "La Iberia" -
Death of her husband
García Carrasco, her husband dies and this death provokes a bid and deep feeling of sadness to Concepción Arenal -
She moves to Oviedo
Concepción Arenal moves to Oviedo with her family -
She is awared by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
She is awared for her work "La beneficiencia, filantropía y la caridad" even she had written it under the pseudonym of Fernando -
She is named Visitor of Women's Prisons
She is so concerned about the life in prison that she name like that by the Minister -
End of the slavery in the Spanish colonies
In 1865, the Abolitionist Society was created to end slavery in the Spanish colonies. -
Foundation of "La Voz de la Caridad"
In 1870 he founded La Voz de la Caridad, a newspaper which for fourteen years was a platform for denouncing the abuses and immoralities present in both hospices and prisons of the time. -
Last works
From 1875 to 1892 she continued to write works with a strong social content and concerned for the weakest members of society. -
Death of Concepción Arenal
In January 1893 his illness got worse and he finally died on 4 February.