side rule
invented by William Oughtred -
calculating machine,
invented by Wilhelm Schickard -
invented by john napier -
Sir Thomas Browne coined the phrase ‘computer’. -
Pascal's calculator
Pascal's calculator or the Pascaline constructed -
mechanical calculator
Samuel Morland builds a mechanical calculator that will add and subtract -
Binary System
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz invents the Binary System -
Analytical Engine
Charles Babbage published a paper describing a mechanical computer that is now known as the Analytical Engine -
QWERTY keyboard invented -
printing calculator
Scheutz invents the first printing calculator -
Zuse Z1
Zuse Z1 built by Konrad Zuse -
Zuse Z3
Zuse Z3 machine completed -
little things
4th February Bill Gates returns to Microsoft as Technology Adviser
20th February Facebook buys WhatsApp
25th March Nvidia at GPU Technology Conference
25th March Facebook buys Oculus
18th June Bletchley park officially opens to the public
25th June Android watches go up for preorder
25th August Amazon buys Twitch for £585m