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Computers of the 90's

  • Microsoft Company releases Microsoft Windows 3

    Microsoft Company releases Microsoft Windows 3
    With the release of Microsoft Windows 3, Microsoft introduces Word and Excel.
  • World Wide Web Introduced to the public

    World Wide Web Introduced to the public
    Created by Tim Berners-Lee, it was released to everyone on August 23,1991.
  • Apple lawsuit against Microsoft comes to an end

    Apple lawsuit against Microsoft comes to an end
    Apple sued Microsoft over GUI copyright infringement. Apple lost the suit but the two parties did agree on a settlement in 1998.
  • Microsoft Windows 95 Released

    Microsoft Windows 95 Released
    A customer friendly version made possible by the graphic user interface and its plug and play features.
  • Invention of the 56k Modem

    Invention of the 56k Modem
    Invented by Dr. Brent Townshend. Increased dial-up speeds from 38.6 kbps to 56 kbps. A 66% increase in speed.