

  • The Apple I

    The Apple I
    this was apples only kit computer, meaning you had to add a keyboard, power supply, and enclosure.
  • the Apple ii

    the Apple ii
    its like the apple I, but it was a full pc and it was colorized.
  • VisiCalc

    Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankson made VisiCalc, an electronic spreadsheet
  • windows O.S

    windows O.S
    windows first operating system
  • expansion

    apple added expansion slots to the Mac II, allowing a mountain of more ram
  • first notebook computer

    first notebook computer
    in 1989 apple built the Mac portable, a 16 pound mobile computer
  • First PDA

    First PDA
    In 1993, apple made its first personal digital assistant available on the market
  • mouse easy scroll

    mouse easy scroll
    this was the first mouse to have a scroll wheel
  • palm pilot devices

    palm pilot devices
    these devices were like the newton readers apple made, but they were smaller and better
  • windows 2000

    windows 2000
    microsoft made a new version of windows NT, this was done at the same time as they made windows ME
  • the Power Mac G4 Cube

    the Power Mac G4 Cube
    this device was very cube shaped, it was also more powerful but didnt have a screen
  • Mac OS X 10.3 Panther

     Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
    this was a smoother operating system than most, making it a great choice.
  • google nexus

    google nexus
    this is a discontinued line of electronics made by google in 2010
  • ahci

    intel released the advanced Host Controller Interface
  • google auth

    google auth
    the google authenticator was used as a free software security