The first train was invented in 1804. It's inventor's name is Richard Trevithick. -
The first phone to ever be invented was made by an Italian innovator named Antonio Meucii. It was also made in 1849 -
The first engine was made in 1876. It was made by George Brayton, Nikolas Auto, Gottlieb Daimler, and Wilhelm Maybach -
The first lightbulb was invented in 1879. It was made by Thomas Alva Edison. -
The first car was made in 1885. It was made in germany and was not engine powered. -
Automatic Firearms
The first automatic firearm was called the "Gatling Gun" and was man powered. It was made by Sir Hiram Maxim. -
In 1903 the Wright brothers made the first plane. They're names are Wilbur and Orville Wright. -
The first programmable computer was made in 1936. It was almost the size of the house and weighed in at 50 tons. -
Computer Microchip
Computers used to be huge and then a microchip was made which that allowed us to make computers smaller like way smaller. They were made in 1947 and was made by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain -
The first microchip was made in 1959. This little device had revolutionized tracking and helped keep track of things like your pets, some people even put them in their kids.