
  • Apple II introduced

    Apple II introduced
    The Apple II was the first Apple computer made for mass production. It was about $1,300.
  • Apple Disk 2

    The apple 2 E was a one of the first computers to have a external drive, It used floppy disks and was priced at $495.
  • Lisa Introduced

    Lisa is the world’s first commercial computer with a mouse and GUI. But it didnt do well because of high costs and low speed.
  • Apple IIGS Introduced

    The Apple IIGS was $999 and had many qualitys of a mac such as, ADB, QuickDraw, and GUI.
  • Machintosh Portable

    It was the first laptop to go to space. Weighed almost 16 pounds with a lead battery. It was origanaly priced at $6500
  • Apple releases three new computers

    The US$999 Mac Classic, $2,400 Mac LC, and $3,800 Mac IIsi are released as "low cost moddles and sell very well causing apples margin to go down.
  • Power books released

    The release of the PowerBook 100, 140, and 170, make apple the leader of portbable designs.
  • Message pad ships

    was $699 and established a PDA market. But wasnt very successful because everything had to be hand wrighten.
  • Mac Book Pro

    The Mac book Pro has a light up keyboard, windows, a magnetic charger and great processing spead. It will do almost anything you want it to from gaming to school work.
  • Google Glass

    Google Glass is a futeristic looking eyewear that alows you to take a picture, surf the web, and check facebook. Its currently trying to get more apps but as of the momment it has about 50 with 2GB of storage.
  • Apple Releases Iphone 6

    Apple Releases Iphone 6
    The Iphone was releaed in the U.K. On september 10th. The Iphone 6 has a bigger screen, higher resolution, and a better camera. Also has a better battery life and is thinner than past Iphones.
  • Oculus Rift Coming soon

    It has yet to come out but the creator has released it will probably come in the summer of 2015. The origanal price will be between 200-400