Computer Timline 2000-2009

  • Microsoft ME

    In 2000, Microsoft releases Windows ME. It was Microsoft's main operating system for home users until the introduction of its successor Windows XP in October 2001. This helped us start the wave of making a better operating system over the years.
  • Mac OS

    Apple released Mac OS which finally made operating systems competitive between Windows and Apple. Mac OS X finally gave Mac users the stability benefits of a protected memory architecture along many other enhancements, such as pre-emptive multitasking.
  • Blender

    Blender is a 3D graphics software package which was funded by a crowd funding campaign. This was the first 3D graphics software created.
  • Nvidia Geforce FX

    Nvidia came out with Geforce FX which is a graphics card and this was the first version of it. Creating this started all of the online games become a reality for people.
  • Firefox 1.0

    Firefox 1.0 was the new browser option that came out in 2004, which was now a competitor to Microsoft's Internet Explorer. This was a big deal back then due to limited options of browsing the internet.
  • Apple uses Intel Processors

    Apple announces they are going to use Intel processors in upcoming Macintosh computers. Using Intel processors was a big deal because they could have just built their own processors but they choose Intel.
  • Macbook Pro

    Apple introduces the Macbook Pro with all new amazing features at the time. This was a big step for laptops to become more popular, reliable, and easy to use on the go.
  • Windows Vista

    Microsoft launches Windows Vista more than 5 years after their last major, new operating system, Windows XP, was released.
  • Google Chrome Beta

    The first public beta version of the Google Chrome web browser was released. Chrome subsequently became the most popular web browser in the world, overtaking Internet Explorer.
  • Windows 7

    Microsoft releases Windows 7 in 2009 which was very much so ahead of their time for an operating system.