DVD (digital video disc)
Better from the VHS, DVD's had better audio, and video quality. It was much more interactive then VHS. It was also the start of better movie makings. -
First Camera Phone
Called the J-phone, first phone to have a camera where photos taken could then be shared wirelessly. Created a starting spot for other phones with camera features.
https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/2000/ -
IBM Lenovo's
Became the largest PC manufacture in the world after purchasing IBM's. -
Apple IPAD
From a small smart phone to a larger screen the first IPAD was created. Something for both adults and children to enjoy you are able to have many apps, games, listen to music, watch videos all on one device. -
Apple watch
Being able to have your phone right on your wrist. Apple released there smart watches to have all the same ios features as your phone does.