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Computer Science Timeline

  • Facebook Launches

    Facebook Launches
    Facebook, a global social media website launches, allowing people to stay connected from far away places
  • Youtube Released

    Youtube Released
    Youtube, a self-broadcasting, video-sharing website that allows anyone to create content for others to watch. Youtube has changed the way we receive news, entertainment, etc.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    One of the most popular consoles developed by Nintendo is released to the public.
  • iPhone Launches

    iPhone Launches
    iPhone, one of the leading smartphone brands releases their first model to the public.
  • Google Chrome Launches

    Google Chrome Launches
    Google's first web browser, google chrome launches. It is now the most commonly used web browser worldwide.
  • Facebook reaches 1 Billion Users

    Facebook reaches 1 Billion Users
    Facebook reaches a record-breaking 1 billion users on its platform. It became the first social media site to do so.
  • 4.7 million Computer Science Graduates

    4.7 million Computer Science Graduates
    China is reported to have had 4.7 million recent STEM graduates in 2016. This represents an all-time high for computer graduates in China.
  • First Reprogrammable Quantum Computer

    First Reprogrammable Quantum Computer
    The first reprogrammable quantum computer releases, significantly furthering the advancements of computer technology and the limits it can go to.
  • Bitcoin Reaches an All Time High Value

    Bitcoin Reaches an All Time High Value
    Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, reaches an all-time high of $19,870.
  • Apple Becomes 1st Trillion Dollar Company

    Apple Becomes 1st Trillion Dollar Company
    Apple becomes the world's first trillion dollar company.